The sociologist Ruth Milkman of City University of New York found that many line workers, in their off-hours, did home renovation and other skilled work.
Milkman says that these extracurricular jobs were an effort on the part of the workers to regain their dignity after suffering the degradation of repetitive assembly line work in the factory.
This meant hiding a lot of the line work.
Positive line work and letterpress must be opaque.
Positive line work and letterpress must be opaque .
To do this, single click "off-line work" on "file" menu.
All of your symfony command-line work must be done from this directory.
From there we will refine our line work with more confident inked lines.
Finally, time was spent cleaning up the edges removing any unnecessary line work.
Alone, this is enough to persist your command-line work and never lose work again.
Finally, a few more textures were applied along with the pedestrian traffic and boat traffic line work.
The workplace wasn't a sweatshop, Liu wrote, but the assembly line work slowly dehumanized the employees.
Production Statistics Department is responsible for manufacturing and production line work performance appraisal.
Once the sketch is finalized, the design moved to the next stage of inking the line work and then coloring the character.
Next we'll lay a foundation of quick, loose, pencil-like line work, flushing out some of the details of our character.
Finally, I revisited the sections, and applied a technique popular on this site to add depth and clarity to the line work.
I have topography line work but I want to remove the white background and I also want the line work to be white, not black.
Swedish folk artists used line work and strokes to define flowers and leaves. Not only did they paint furniture and doors, but also room panels.
Remember, it’s important for them to feel at ease with the idea of wireframing in front of you and their colleagues, no matter how bad their line work.
The rsync utility is a mandatory tool for your command-line work, and you need to learn how to use it for easy, safe, quick laptop-desktop synchronization.
I will be stretching this image, so I need to increase the canvas size to make room for the larger image and avoid having the line work go off of the page.
Their workflow follows a methodology similar to a comic book design studio.The individual that sketches is often not the same as the one who does the line work.
Their workflow follows a methodology similar to a comic book design studio. The individual that sketches is often not the same as the one who does the line work.
But linemen who work from helicopters are for real and they are considered a highly specialized area of line work; few linemen have the special training to perform it.
Finally, set the blend mode of the colorized layer to "Overlay". This will help blend the color into the image and let the darker line work underneath show through.
Mastering the command line can simplify your work and help you better understand how to make the shell and command line work for you rather than you working harder for it.
掌握命令行可以简化您的工作,并帮助您更好地理解如何在工作中充分利用 shell 和命令行,从而摆脱使用它们的困扰。
I started the process by (1) taking line work off of my base massing model, (2) using the Arc tool to soften the corners, (3) leaving me with smooth line work to loft.
Above all, though it was his line work, sense of experimentation, coupled with a complex often dark vision of contemporary life, which fascinated artists from Picasso onwards.