They feel invisible, so they cede responsibility.
The debater refused to cede the point to her opponent.
And they'll have to cede some control to the TiVos of the world.
America was reluctant to cede any legal power to a supranational authority.
Despite all this, it still seems too early to cede America's future to the Lone Star state.
It is a hint that Mr Ozawa, at least for the time being, has agreed to cede some authority.
Mice are not smart animals, but I cede a grudging respect at being outwitted in this manner.
America wants to cede overall control as soon as it has carried out the bulk of the initial bombing.
But the Ruhr is split into 53 municipalities, many of them reluctant to cede power or share resources.
This second step will be awkward, because votes cannot be taken from members that do not want to cede them.
Ultimately, the rise of Asia may force the West to cede power, but it is not going to do so gracefully.
ECOWAS has threatened to remove Mr. Gbagbo by force if he does not cede power to rival Alassane Ouattara.
The tablet is symbolic of Amazon's remarkable ability to adapt and reluctance to cede the future to anyone.
Germany and Japan need to cede to the emerging economies industries in which they are no longer competitive.
At the same time the Fed and the three other regulators would cede their consumer-protection duties to a new body.
In 2007 a law was passed obliging all white - and foreign-owned companies to "cede" a 51% stake to black Zimbabweans.
Falling Kidnapping Rates and the Expansion of Mobile Phone in Colombia, Documentos CEDE No 32, Universidad DE los Andes.
哥伦比亚绑架案件比率下降与移动电话的普及,Documentos CEDE No 32,安地斯大学。
However, because virtual application patterns encapsulate so many actions, you do cede some control to Workload Deployer.
但是,由于虚拟应用程序模式封装了如此多操作,您的确需要向Workload Deployer转让部分控制权。
Mr Clinton was thrilled to hear in 1993 that the former general was willing to cede the Golan Heights for peace with Syria.
Party member Robert Moute says elders need to cede top positions to younger members and support them without suffocating them.
A country with an uncompetitive exchange rate will struggle to sell its wares abroad and will also cede its home market to foreign firms.
Progress on such a scheme is always likely to stall because euro-zone countries are reluctant to cede any control of their public finances.
It is still just possible, some people reckon, that the journalists will refuse to cede power, forcing the group to seek bankruptcy protection.
In addition, Banks must publish bonus policies, and trading-floor chiefs will cede control over bonuses to board-level remuneration committees.
All of these freedoms imply not only an end to feudalism, but also the willingness of the sovereign state to cede such power to non-state actors.
For all the grand rhetoric, no politician is proposing to cede sovereignty to a global regulator, let alone create a true global lender of last resort.