They had employed heavies to evict squatters from neighbouring sites.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》Evict late-night television from your bedroom.
The landlord will evict him or raise his rent.
A giant—or the two dozen policemen who are about to evict him?
An error occurred attempting to evict this computer from the sponsor cluster.
His grasping old landlord threatened to evict him, his wife, and his daughter.
The law favors tenants' rights. It's an arduous process if I ever wanted to evict one.
Clear the room - evict the kids and the pets. Turn off the stereo and the TV. Close the door.
It would be ideal to expire the cache, but NOT evict the data until I was sure I could reload it.
If she doesn't have enough money to pay the rent, her landlord might evict her from her apartment.
We politely evict the vibration motor from its home with some "convincing" from a plastic opening tool.
The AIX page replacement daemons scan memory a page at a time to find pages to evict in order to free up memory.
He is fired by the company, and the his wife leaves him and their son. Then the landlord evict them to make them homeless.
Someone wrote letter to tell bishop that Nebulas Flacon was a koradji and rascal. They wanted to evict him out of the Vyborg City.
I've never had to evict a dog in the middle of the night for being drunk and disorderly. And I've never had a dog run out on a hotel bill.
CachingChecksum used a soft reference to cache a single object and let the JVM handle the details of when to evict the object from the cache.
Yesterday's judgment almost certainly marks the final legal skirmish in Basildon council's long-running battle to evict the travellers from Dale Farm.
Benedict went on to say that as of this week, there will be new devices to "detect and evict" people who are filming – something he doesn't want to happen.
Earlier this year Iran threatened to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and evict all inspectors if it felt it was under too much pressure from the West.
Detect changes in the underlying data, and then either evict the changed data from the cache (which will cause it to be reloaded on demand), or reload the updated data into the cache.
If you use a stateful session, don't forget to clear the cache before you execute the DML otherwise Hibernate will update or evict the related cache (See the Example 10 below for details).
向外, 离开
- ebullientadj. 热情洋溢的;兴高采烈的;沸腾的;充满活力的;激动的
- elaborateadj. 精细的;详细的;复杂的;精心设计的;煞费苦心的;详尽的;周到的;细致的;讲究的
- evidencen. 证据;证明;根据;迹象;痕迹;物证;证词;佐证;直接证据;间接证据;确凿证据;表征;显示;见证
- eliminatev. 消除;排除;消灭;淘汰;根除;剔除;忽略;摒弃;杀死;清除;解除;去掉;删去;消去;对…不予考虑;把…排除在外
- emigratev. 移民离开本国(去另一个国家);迁出(本国);移居国外
- erectadj. 直立的;竖立的;竖直的;竖起的;垂直的;挺拔的;(因性兴奋)勃起的;坚挺的
- electv. 选举;推选;选择;挑选
- eloquentadj. 口才流利的;雄辩的;有口才的;有说服力的;能言善辩的;传神的
- ejectv. 驱逐;逐出;排斥;(从内部)喷射;(从飞机或宇宙飞船)把…弹射出来;排出;发射;发出;抛出;摒除;开除;免…的职;(通过法律手续)剥夺(租户)的租用权;弹射出来
- elapsev. 消逝;逝去;经过;流去;(时间)流逝;(时间)过去;(尤指时间)悄然过去
- eloquencen. 雄辩;辩才;口才;说服力;表达能力;演讲艺术;感染力
- emissionn. 排放(如气体、热量、光等);发射(如射线、信号等);散发(如气味、热等);发出;排泄;排放物;散发物;发表(如声明、公告等)
- evanescentadj. 短暂的;飞逝的;易消散的;转瞬即逝的;瞬息即逝的;稍纵即逝的;迅速遗忘的
- emancipatev. 解放;释放;使不受(法律、社会或政治的)限制
- eligibleadj. 合格的;有资格的;符合条件的;理想的;合适的;值得考虑的;适宜的;可选的;有恰当资格的;有权利的;有资历的;具备条件的
- evadev. 逃避;规避(尤指法律或道德责任);回避(处理或谈论某事);躲避;逃脱;躲开;钻(法律或法规的)空子
- evaporatev. 蒸发;挥发;使挥发;消散;衰减;消失;逐渐消失;使蒸发;使干涸;失去影响(或效果)
- e-mailn. 电子邮件;电子邮件地址;电子邮件账户
- enumeratev. 列举;枚举(事实或例子);清点;详细说明;逐一说明;详列
- e-commercen. 电子商务;电子贸易;网上交易;在线购物;互联网商业
- educatev. 教育;训练;教养;教导;塑造;给予知识或技能;提高素养
- elucidatev. 解释;解析;阐释;阐明;揭示;说明;使清晰;详细说明
- eventn. 事件;(尤指)重要事情;大事;赛事;比赛项目;社交活动;公共活动;公开活动;结果;后果;成果;(尤指不寻常或重要的)事变;[计算机]事件(指用户或系统产生的动作,如鼠标点击或按键操作)
- elevatev. 提拔;提升;抬起;举起;提起;提高;增加;使情绪高昂;使兴高采烈
- egregiousadj. 极坏的;令人发指的;极端的;过分的;令人震惊的;惊人的
- erodev. 侵蚀;腐蚀;逐渐破坏;削弱;被削弱;损害;消磨;被消磨;风化;水蚀;侵吞;逐步毁坏
- effluencen. 流出;排放;流出物;排放物;散发;排泄物;废水
- eruptv. 喷发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出;迸发;突然发生;突然(在皮肤上)出现;发疹;长出(牙齿等);爆炸般地发出(声音、光芒等);突然发出
- enormousadj. 巨大的;庞大的;极大的;广大的;庞然大物的;异常的;非常的;极端的;巨额的
- evolutionn. 进化;演变;发展;(气体的)释放;(热量的)散发;队形变换;位置变换;<旧>开方
- eludev. 逃避;躲避;(尤指机敏地)避开;使困惑;难倒;使达不到;使不能实现;使不记得;使不理解
- eminentadj. (尤指在某专业中)杰出的;卓越的;突出的;显著的;著名的;显赫的;有声望的;非凡的
- elongatev. 拉长;伸长;延伸;变长;使变长;使延伸;变成长形
- evincev. 表明;显示;表现;显露;揭示
- evolvev. 逐步发展;演进;进化;演化;推导出;衍生出;散发(气味等);释放(能量等)
- emotionn. 情感;情绪;激情;强烈的情感
- eradicatev. 根除;消灭;杜绝;拔除(植物);剔除(错误);清除(疾病)
- evacuatev. 疏散;(军事)撤军;撤离;撤空;排空;抽空;清空;清除;(从危险的地方)撤出;从…撤退;转移;排泄(粪便)
- erosionn. 侵蚀;腐蚀;受蚀;风化;削弱;减少;降低;逐渐丧失
- evidentadj. 显而易见的;明显的;显著的;不言自明的;明白的;清楚的
- emergev. (从隐蔽处或暗处)出现;浮现;显露;显现;露头;呈现;被知晓;摆脱出来;恢复过来;幸存下来
- evasionn. 逃避;回避;躲避;借口;遁词;托词;规避
- evocativeadj. 唤起记忆的;激发情感的;引起联想的;唤起感情的;激起想象的;触发感情的
- emitv. 发出(光、热、声音等);排放;散发;发射(信号);颁布(法令);发行(货币、股票)
- evaluatev. 评估;估价;估计;评价;估算;评定;核定价值;计算价值;求(方程式、公式、函数)的数值;衡量;审视
- evokev. 唤起(记忆、情感、反应等);引起(某种反应或情感);诱发;调动;引出;召唤