1 词典释义:
be made to do
时间: 2025-01-29 19:49:05


  • The objective is to discover what the process can do, or can be made to do.


  • He thought that since ducks spend most of their days in water they should be made to do it efficiently.


  • The views can be made to do so by registering "selection providers" with their respective workbench site.


  • Materials can already be made to do some of these things, but they are too bulky, rigid or complicated for practical use.


  • But, Ellen, 'cried she, staring, fixed in astonishment,' how dare he speak so to me? Mustn't he be made to do as I ask him?


  • A computer can be made to do all the problems that its human operator could do if he had unlimited time to make his computations.


  • The general exposure stems from the fact that the SACK option receiver can be made to do an arbitrary amount of work based on the reception of a single packet.

    常见的安全漏洞源于这样一个事实:SACK 选项的接收方在收到一个包后可能会被要求做大量工作。

  • And that, for all the brouhaha which rightly accompanies the passage from journeyman to master, is the ultimate point: practical control over what life can be made to do.


  • But mathematicians have established in the past hundred years that classes, or sets, are enough for all these purposes: they can be made to do the work of Numbers, functions, and the rest.


  • It should be made clear that not everyone has a device to record their sleep patterns; in some of these nations, it's likely that only the richest people do.


  • My dad's words made me realize that my earnings might not be mine to do with as I wished.


  • This, if it can be made to work routinely, promises machines that can do lots of calculations in parallel instead of one at a time, and thus solve problems existing computers cannot manage.


  • Should they be allowed to argue in court that their brains made them do it?


  • What to do she did not know, for the broth must be made.


  • Children's films might be made at a loss to sell action figures-but how do you finance the Godfather?


  • Of course, you may want to do more than just one or two tasks to improve a facet, but choose only the most important ones to be made daily.


  • They do not necessarily mean the land cannot be made to support more people.


  • I would simply say that we do expect progress to be made, as it is being made in between these two meetings, "he said."


  • Mr Khalil said: “When Clarke watched that DVD he made a comment to this effect, ‘Wouldn’t it be wicked if you could actually do that to someone in real life?’.


  • Do adjustments need to be made?


  • Sometimes it made us sad when he was growing up because we thought he would never be able to do normal things like ride a bike or drive a car, but now he is so popular, and that has made us happy.


  • Yet as far as I am concerned there is no difference between psychosis and other illnesses, and I do not see why I should be made to feel ashamed.


  • These can be created more simply through the development of common assets, which do things such as enable a telephone call to be made given two addresses.


  • Do you have areas in your life that are stalled because a decision needs to be made?


  • Whatever your lips utter you must be sure to do, because you made your vow freely to the LORD your God with your own mouth.


  • We do not know anything about the conditions under which the decision will have to be made.


  • And, perhaps most importantly, changes made to the GRUB configuration file do not require GRUB to be reinstalled in the MBR.


  • Some airline safety experts say the shortage could pose risks because pilots may be made to fly more routes and new pilots do not have enough flying experience.


  • Nay, 'cried the young Fisherman,' I may not be at peace, for all that thou hast made me to do I hate.
