The acoustic isolation of headphones tends to highlight this dulling effect.
Using the wrong wheel cleaner can lead to discoloring, dulling, and permanent staining.
Described the application and the present state of the research for the dulling material.
The music was dull, or at least had a dulling effect on me - it didn't sparkle, or ask questions.
The same risk holds today, particularly if the fiscal squeeze involves incentive-dulling tax increases.
Custom has indeed no real influence upon our feelings of the beautiful, except in dulling and checking them.
The effect of UV-radiation on PET and the stabilizing role of dulling agents and UV shield agents were investigated.
Gently remove dulling dead skin cells without over-stimulating, instantly leaves the skin noticeably smoother and brighter.
Described the application and the present state of the research for the dulling material. And involved some problems from it.
With The Manifesto of Futurist Cooking, he set out to abolish what he saw as Italy's fattening and mind-dulling addiction to pasta.
What about the worry that Sarbox is dulling America's animal spirits-discouraging companies from going public and smothering small companies in red tape?
Like Smack Santa, they spend many hours playing roles that don't match their innate personalities and preferences, dulling the pain with mood-altering substances.
It would have worked too, but Moth understood what the delay meant and she stood right outside the window whispering as fast as the words would leave her lips, sharpening him, and dulling the girl.