1 词典释义:
时间: 2024-11-03 18:40:32


  • Since China opened to the outside world, some farmers have become entrepreneurs and many are well-fixed, living a much more comfortable life.


  • All other implants remained well-fixed. All complications occurred in patients with supracondylar fracture patterns. There were no additional associated peri-implant fractures.


  • You would expect the sensor data integration to be a relatively well defined and fixed process, with little implication to business driven changes.


  • Marriage. If your spouse is in a fixed lifestyle, you may feel compelled to stay fixed as well.


  • Determinate sentencing, on the other hand, reflects a philosophy of deterrence and means that prison time is relatively fixed, whether an inmate behaves well or badly.


  • The frequent schedule also means updates are well tested, and any problems are fixed quickly.


  • To administer the customs fixed assets and real estate, as well as the vehicles, boast and other transport equipment, uniforms, operational documents and certificates.


  • The rather simple segments of the desktop market (fixed function, technical and transactional workstations, as well as basic office) cover only a limited set of standard applications.


  • And with its strong presence in the Eurofighter Typhoon programme, all of which position the Company well to deliver a high level of protection for both rotary and fixed wing platforms.


  • Ge also supplies the GEnx engine, fixed and moveable wing structures as well, as landing gear actuation and the common core system direct to Boeing for the 787 program.


  • How can you verify that the size of a FixedList isn't, well, fixed at this point?


  • Unfortunately (well, I guess in the grand scheme, fortunately), human users are not naturally bound to a fixed set of interactions.

    遗憾的是(恩,我认为从大范畴来看,应该说 “幸运的是”),人类用户不会自然而然地被约束在固定的交互操作集中。

  • This approach works well when the format is fixed or self-defining, and it has the advantage of facilitating easy optimizations for specific formats.


  • It actually works so well that we have been able to create a fixed time, fixed price business model.


  • The biggest disadvantage is usually that because the well has fixed dimensions, it is impossible to install a larger outboard.


  • Being a fan became a fixed point, wherever I lived; it was-it is-one of the two or three things that I think of as making me, well, me.


  • The latter point is critical because we expected to (and did) need additional features added to the graphics library as well as some bugs fixed.


  • These are problems that must be fixed for the sake of local, as well as international, businesses.


  • Now that we have fixed-term Parliaments, it would be possible for parties to plan these get-togethers well in advance.


  • Determinate sentencing, on the other hand, reflects a philosophy of deterrence and means that prison time is relatively fixed, whether an inmate behaves well or badly.


  • After loading the fragile things on top of fixed well.


  • In this task as well, you can work with multiple users and use dynamic XPath expressions, instead of using a fixed user for assignment as shown in the previous example.


  • Everyone loves a bargain, as those restaurant chains which offer you special "all you can eat" deals for a fixed price know all too well.


  • Fixed-line carriers like AT&T and Verizon, as well as cable companies such as Comcast and Time Warner, are now free to throttle download speeds in the name of "network management".

    固定电话运营商如美国电报电话公司和弗莱森通讯(Verizon),还有你像康卡斯特和时代华纳(Time Warner)之类的有线电视公司,他们现在都可以以“网络管理”为名义来任意限制下载速度。

  • Wi-Fi offers an ideal wireless connection to a fixed Internet connection, while Bluetooth offers an ideal wireless connection for, well, anything in your personal area network.

    Wi - Fi为固定的因特网连接提供了一个理想的无线连接方式,而蓝牙则是为,怎么说,你的个人区域网(personal area net work)内的所有东西提供了一个理想的无线连接方式。

  • The combination of organic chemistry and mineral chemistry, as well as the combination of non - fixed form material and colloid material chemistry are the secret formula in this century.


  • Well, we do that by figuring out how b depends on theta when a is fixed.


  • We don't necessarily do well if that's scripted for us, either by our parents or someone else, when we're growing up.Our identities are works in progress.They're not fixed.
