The difference between domesticated animals and wild ones lies in whether or not possessing this human quality.
Men are all right for friends, but as soon as you marry them they turn into cranky old friends, even the wild ones.
I like a variety of activities, from active and wild ones like camping, sports and parties to quiet ones like reading and watching TV.
Most conservationists insist that more tiger products increase demand, and more demand always hurts wild tigers, because consumers prefer wild ones for what is believed to be their greater potency.
Drones can watch secretly on populations of animals in the wild, especially endangered ones.
The newspaper said wild pandas live 15 years on average, with captive ones typically living around 22 years.
Catching images of wild animals, especially rare ones, can be exceedingly difficult for photographers.
During the evaluation session, wild ideas are converted to practical ones or used to suggest realistic solutions.
Why This works: Many plants - including the ones listed - give off a strong scent to repel ants and other insects in the wild, and it works just as well in your home.
The mice which haunted my house were not the common ones, which are said to have been introduced into the country, but a wild native kind not found in the village.
The secondary products detection found that composition types in wild hypha and in cultured ones were similar.
Objecetive: To compare the tissue formation and the content of polysaccharide between the wild Dendrobium candidum and the cultured ones and to find any existed differences.
前言: 目的:比较铁皮石斛组培品和野生品在植物形态、 组织结构及总多糖含量上有无差异。
AIDS and SARS stem from wildlife. We should appeal to protect wild animal, not to hunt or eat them at ones ease.
Archetti's new study began when he noticed that red leaves are more common in wild apple trees than in ones grown for fruit.
While salmon in the wild eat a variety of things in the ocean farm raised ones eat a high fat feed made of other fish ground into fishmeal and as a result eat even more of those toxins.
Similarly, wild yeasts typically carry genes associated with a range of unpleasant flavours; and these genes were rare in the culinary ones.
RESULTS: DDR2/EGFP fusion plasmid was successfully constructed. Further analysis also demonstrated that the fusion protein has similar expression and activation pattern with wild type ones.
She is very wild about studying and collection of Chinese music works, and put some of our excellent ones into their play and education.
One group of wild animal-eating enthusiasts are those who have illnesses, especially serious ones.
The baby orangutans are adorable, as are the baby elephants who rely on older orphaned elephants to naturally foster the younger ones until they can join the wild.
It is a great time to let ones imagination run a little wild and be creative in the process.