No subheadings are allowed within the Discussion.
Great blog posts have subheadings, or bolded lists.
Make use of subheadings to bring order and coherence to your review.
Try to start most subheadings with the same part of speech, such as a verb or a noun.
Organize your text with clear headings – Break up your text with headings and subheadings.
用明确的标题组织文章 ----用标题或者副标题把您的文章进行分段。
Place the most important words at the beginning of page titles, headlines, subheadings, and links.
We just look at the headings and subheadings and the first lines of each section or paragraph.
Start reading at Paragraph 1 of the paper, but look for the summary, conclusion, subheadings, etc.
Are all your subheadings sentence fragments (one word or short phrases), or are they complete sentences?
In the outline pane, you can use the key icon next to each heading to expand and collapse subheadings.
在大纲面板(outline pane),你可以使用标题旁边的钥匙图标展开到子标题。
Other, including mixtures of colouring matter of two or more of the subheadings Nos. 3204.11 to 3204.19.
A good document has headings and subheadings, because headings make it easier to determine the topic of a page.
Subheadings help your reader to map out your post, letting them instantly see where one topic ends and another begins.
The page headings and subheadings should describe the page in a way that's relevant to users as well as search engines.
A very short post might not need any subheadings - but once your post is more than 400 words or so, it's useful to break it up.
Only the constituent comonomer units of the polymers in the series of subheadings under consideration are to be compared.
Please provide or attach a contents list, including chapter subheadings and a brief description of what each chapter will cover.
Many designs use one font for headlines, one for body, and possibly one for navigation on websites or for any special text or subheadings.
But-unless there's a very good reason for including it-one long sentence among several fragment subheadings will stand out, and not in a good way.
Include, in the correct order to correspond to the order in the Results section, all of the paragraph subheadings of the Experimental section.
Before you read, read all titles, chapter and section headings, subheadings, and any charts, graphs, diagrams, questions, and summaries you can find.
The class visited the library twice this week. Later, students will create a poster with pictures including captions, subheadings and descriptive writing.
The system has a relatively high performance in subject indexing problem, which involves the procedure of combination of medical headings and subheadings.
Experimental. Include, in the correct order to correspond to the order in the Results section, all of the paragraph subheadings of the Experimental section.
Survey the text. Before you read, read all titles, chapter and section headings, subheadings, and any charts, graphs, diagrams, questions, and summaries you can find.
Also be sure to cascade your headings. A main heading, for example, would be larger than subheadings. This effect creates a sense of emphasis and flow to the information.