The next section will discuss how to create our template file(s) and afterward, what exactly resides in a template section.
Whenever the king went to the Lord 's temple, the guards bore the shields, and afterward they returned them to the guardroom.
Whenever the king went to the Lord 's temple, the guards went with him, bearing the shields, and afterward they returned them to the guardroom.
Not long afterward, Butterfield, a clerk in the P. P. R. S. office, overheard a conversation between Elderson, the manager, and a German.
不久之后,天佑再保险会的办公室职员巴特菲尔德偷听到经理埃尔德森和一个德国人的谈话。 收藏。
Afterward, the leaf rises east to see a thin silk from the boy "s double eye, it seems connective and a certain mysterious strength."
afterward(s), later
afterward(s)与later的不同之处有两点。 1.afterwards指一整段时间之后,一般不分具体时间连用,而later常指一个具体的时间点之后。 2.afterward(s)强调事物的先后顺序,而later侧重迟、推迟。