Needs, which have ranged from satellite telephones and hand-held radio sets to vehicles, protective equipment, disinfectants, and specialized staff, have been rapidly communicated and immediately met.
The TV, the radio, the cellular telephones, everything was wiped out.
They had no direct radio link with aircraft but used telephones to stay in touch with airline dispatchers, airway radio operators, and airport traffic controllers.
This includes television broadcasts, satellite use, cellular telephones, radio-controlled toys and much more.
Portable, battery-powered radio or television and spare batteries. Most telephones will be out of order or used for emergency purposes, so radios will be your best source of information.
大多数 电话将会无法使用或只能供紧急用途,所以收音机将会是你最好的信息来源。
Our lives would be changed considerably without telephones, radio, television or computers, all of which depend on chemistry for the manufacture of their parts.
Means of communication, like telephones, cables and radio, send information about prices, supplies and changing conditions in different parts of the world.
Used in white-black TVs, radio cassette recorders, telephones.