1 词典释义:
one machine
时间: 2025-02-23 17:57:36


  • There would be one machine, one bulldozer for the entire area.


  • W. David Stahlman, a professor of psychology at UCLA, recently purchased one machine to use in his research on hermit crab behavior.


  • He refused to develop projection technology, reasoning that if he made and sold projectors, then exhibitors would purchase only one machine—a projector—from him instead of several.


  • In the phonograph parlors, customers listened to recordings through individual ear tubes, moving from one machine to the next to hear different recorded speeches or pieces of music.


  • Due to official parsimony only the one machine was built.


  • It will save considerable machining time to use more than one tool in one machine to perform several machine operations either in sequence or simultaneously.


  • It saves a lot of place one machine instead of three.


  • Scalability — Only eight CPUs and 64 GB RAM on one machine

    可伸缩性 —— 在一台机器上只允许使用 8 个 CPU 和 64GB RAM

  • You can set up both the client and server software on one machine.


  • In our skills transfer exercise, we set up two logical nodes on one machine.


  • The Terracotta server and single master process were running on one machine.


  • Start a test application that runs on one machine, and displays on the other.


  • Use rsync or a similar tool to propagate your environment from one machine to another.

    使用 rsync 或者类似的工具,将您的环境从一台计算机传播到另一台计算机。

  • Rdist, based on RCP, distributed files from one machine to many systems automatically.


  • The communications among processes can be running on one machine or different machines.


  • If there is a failure, the database server can move from one machine to a backup system.


  • For example, three instances in one machine will require three set of background processes.


  • Now, just having distcc on one machine is pointless; this won't really give us any benefit.


  • The tar utility with SSH is a convenient method for transferring files from one machine to another.


  • This workaround can save time and effort, because one person can perform this task from one machine.


  • The build process starts from one machine and is then distributed on all the other machines (servers).


  • The application server ran on one machine, and the test harness and database ran on the second machine.


  • Table 1 lists and describes some selected test cases that appear to work correctly on at least one machine.

    表 1 列出并描述了某些选定的测试用例,这些用例看上去至少在一台计算机上可以正确运行。

  • As you can tell, it is quite easy to take this module and start investigating the whole network, one machine at a time.


  • The ability to quickly move a virtual server from one machine to another as needs change is a big win for IT departments.


  • RDMA allows one machine to read or write to the memory of another machine without requiring any processor cycles on the target machine.

    RDMA 允许一台机器读写另一台机器的内存,无需在目标机器上有任何处理器周期。

  • In many cases, you'll simply be developing your applications on one machine, though, so it's the WAR file you'll be most interested in.


  • More likely, you need to move the runtime from one machine to another, which requires a change to the host name as part of that process.


  • Finally, Erlang includes built-in distributed processing, allowing components to be run on one machine while being requested from another.


  • In one machine, for example, mistakenly entering a number with two decimal points-like 1.2.3-might be read by the machine as 1.23, or as a 123.
