This is Nicola Grey and this is Claire Taylor.
Nicola Sturgeon's speech last Tuesday setting out the Scottish government's legislative programme for the year ahead confirmed what was already pretty clear.
Nicola got her prescription for strep.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》We begin on 1st June with Manchester Camerata and Nicola Benedetti, presenting an amazing programme of Mozart pieces.
Nicola: My dream is world peace.
Nicola Tesla invents alternating current.
His shot was well saved by goalkeeper Nicola.
Nicola slowly draped herself across the couch.
This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor.
And until I got pregnant I thought Nicola was a crank.
Nicola: I've proposed to four different men without avail.
Mr.. Jackson: this is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor.
Our slower pace also allowed my girlfriend, Nicola, to join us in Split.
Nicola and her sister go to the same school which gives her a good education.
Can I have more than one? It would be all the pictures of my wife, Nicola, and my kids, James and Mia.
At the age of 12, Ruifuka gave birth to her daughter, Maria.One year later, Ruifuka's son, Nicola, was born.
At the age of 12, Ruifuka gave birth to her daughter, Maria. One year later, Ruifuka's son, Nicola, was born.
I was very sad to see Nicola go. However, I was also reassured to be getting back to the routine of eat-sleep-cycle.
Laura, Nicola and Alison Crimmins, 29, live with each other in Dublin, Ireland, and work together as triplet models.
Nicola Tappenden was a 14-year-old schoolgirl, living in Croydon, when a psychic told her she'd grow up to do something very special.
Nicola Tappenden是个住在Croydon的14岁女孩,还在上学。有个算命的告诉她长大以后她会做一些特别的事。
Nicola Williams, another parent teaching the course, says those whose children have mental health issues have been particularly pleased.
威廉姆斯(Nicola Williams)是另一位教授课程的母亲,她说那些小孩有心理健康问题的父母对此特别欢迎。
The Scottish health secretary, Nicola Sturgeon, said public health tactics had changed after it emerged the virus was spreading uncontrolled.
They are in the background of shots of Nicola Fisher, struck in the leg with a baton, and of Alex Kinnane, hit in the face with a riot shield.
这些设备出现在两段镜头的背景中,一段是警察用警棍殴打Nicola Fisher的腿部,另一段是警察用防暴盾牌击打Alex Kinnane的脸部。
"We are proposing one of the most radical changes in our approach to parental leave in a decade," chief executive, Nicola Brewer, will say.
Plenty for everyone: Nicola Guppy sorts through boxes of Tamiflu at Britain's first Swine flu Assesment and Collection centre in peterborough.
人人都有达菲:在彼得·伯勒英国首家“H1N 1流感评估和收集中心”,妮可拉·古比正在整理一盒盒的达菲。