PNA Series network analyzers require firmware revision 2.5 or higher.
Most PNA men were new recruits and had no experience in fighting yet.
The goblet cells of the duodenum and rectum showed strong reactions to PNA.
The PNA molecules can routinely be labeled with biotin or various fluorophores.
The unique chemical makeup provides PNA with unique hybridization characteristics.
The solvent effects on geometrical and electronic properties of pNA molecule are further considered.
然后又考虑了溶剂效应对分子电子结构的影响, 计算了溶剂效应下分子的电子结构。
In fact PNA - DNA duplexes show significantly increased stability when the purines are in the PNA strand.
事实上,当嘌呤存在于肽核酸的链上时,肽核酸- DNA二聚体的稳定性会大大增加。
Peanut agglutinin (PNA) was shown to bind to normal LACA mice bone marrow cells but not to leukemic cells.
Several exciting new applications of PNA technology have been published recently in genetics and cytogenetics.
Objective: to determine the expression and significance of the receptor of PNA (peanut agglutinin) in nasal polyps.
PNA customization level of performance, appropriate for you to meet your specific budget and measurement requirements.
PNA customization level of performance, appropriate for you to meet your specific budget and measurement requirements.
The PNA technology is already used as an essential tool in a wide range of research and diagnostic molecular protocols.
The expression of PNA was significantly different between the different histopathological grades of carcinomas(P<0. 005).
PNA series is the highest performance of microwave network analyzer, can be used in the passive and active device testing.
The wintertime Northern Hemisphere atmospheric response to SST in EEP is the zonal mode structure which is different from PNA.
The automatic control method of PNA pulse vector network analyzer and the design method of system test software are presented.
Objective To establish a kinetic monitoring assay for detecting glycylproline dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (GPDA). Methods Gly-pro-pNA.
Thus on top of the dependence on g-c content, the stability of pna-dna duplexes also depends on the purine fraction of the PNA strand.
因此,肽核酸- DNA二聚体的稳定性除了依赖g - C配对的含量外,还与肽核酸链上的嘌呤含量有关。
The agglutination test showed that PNA agglutinates neuraminidase-treated erythrocytes, thymocytes, and acute lymphatic leukemia cells.
Thus, the Tm of PNA–DNA duplex is barely affected by low ionic strength. This significantly facilitates the hybridization with the PNAs.
因此,PNA-DNA 的热熔温度几乎不受弱离子强度的影响,十分有利于PNA的杂交。
The efficiency of this strand invasion can be further enhanced by using two homopyrimidine PNA oligomers connected via a flexible linker.
CONCLUSIONS HBV DNA extracted from clinical samples were directly detected using PNA biosensor and PCR amplification was successfully bypassed.
According to local villagers, most of Mark Kieng militia men were former members of Mong Tai Army and more familiar to the terrain than the PNA.
The distribution of lectin receptor in liver and pancreas of rats and mice was investigated using WGA, SBA, PNA labeled with horseradish peroxidase.
The effect of thymic peptide hormone on the changes of PNA receptors on the cell surface of mouse thymocyte was found to be both concentration and time dependent.
The stability of these triple helixes is so high that homopyrimidine PNA targeted to purine tracts of dsDNA invades the duplex by displacing one of the DNA strands.
Conclusion PNA combining with the DNA of target sequence had a highly specificity. Choosing PNA as the probe may improve the determined specificity of piezoelectric gene sensor.
The distribution of lectin binding in gastrointestinal tract of human, rat and mouse was investigated using horseradish peroxidase labeled lectins-WGA, SBA, and PNA staining method.