1 词典释义:
access times
时间: 2025-03-09 21:59:02


  • This system helps speed up access times.


  • System memory supports longer access times.


  • One more point: Figures 3, 4, and 5 plot the individual access times.


  • To organize related data close together to minimize disk access times.


  • Noatime will disable recording of access times. Not using access times may improve performance.


  • Fast Access Times - the VFS should provide performance comparable with the native Win32 API Functions.

    快速存取-这个虚拟文件系统将提供与本地Win 32 API性能相当的功能函数。

  • To make sure you have the fastest access times possible, keep the data on your disks arranged in perfect order.


  • This reduces memory access times and jitter, as simultaneous, competing memory access by multiple OS is avoided.


  • Consider the code in Listing 2, which benchmarks array access times (code for the other data structures looks similar).


  • Figures 3 and 4 present the results for access times on my usual desktop configuration, for two different sizes of integers.


  • Sometimes, the contents of a ROM chip are copied to SRAM or DRAM to allow for shorter access times (as ROM may be slower).


  • Memory needs and memory access times are reduced by computing intermediate results by stages and decreasing temporary results storage.


  • XML indexes are stored in the same index pages as relational indexes, thus providing similar access times when compared with relational indexes.

    XML 索引存储在与关系索引相同的索引页面中,因此提供与关系索引相似的访问时间。

  • People often don't have the patience to wait through long web page loads, so keeping your file sizes low speeds up your web page access times.


  • All the other data-structure benchmarks are similarly tarnished, although for data structures with relatively large access times, the relative effect is negligible.


  • A better illustration of benchmarking issues, and how benchmark can be used to tackle them, are benchmarks that compare access times for several common data structures.


  • The notable exceptions in this case are Google Chrome and the latest nightly WebKit as their variable access times remain roughly constant even as identifier depth increases.

    值得注意的是,这里有一些例外情况,Google Chrome和最新的WebKit午夜版在访问变量的时间保持得很稳定,不会随着作用域深度的递增而增长。

  • Meanwhile, it delivered a new designing of map window cache, browser cache and server-side cache to improve system performance by shortening access path and decreasing access times.


  • Not only some file classes or so, but something I call a Virtual file system (VFS), my own file system that supports nice features like compression, encryption, fast access times, and so on.


  • Back in Part 2, I showed how reflection is many times slower than direct code for both field access and method calls.


  • It will show the name of the page and the access count (number of times that page has been requested).


  • The websites of Britain's Times and News of the World began to restrict access to subscribers last year.


  • On the next page, enter the feed title and description along with other properties, like public or private access, any search keyword tags, or cache times.


  • Using the options provided in the green menu bar near the top of the screen, we could have chosen to see more detailed reports covering, for example, page access, CPU load, and average load times.


  • This decision is also based on client access types and response times, as well as other infrastructure capabilities such as network connectivity, bandwidth, and power outage risks.


  • However, if literals are important to get optimal access plans, the shorter execution times of the SQL statements are more important than the elegancy of the application's source code.


  • Many times a business process needs to access data residing in a business system.


  • For pages that require hitting the database, page render times are related to db access.


  • IBM claimed that servers will have access to six times more memory than otherwise found in servers, which could help boost the performance of applications like databases.
