I saw the winner of the prize both garlanded with flowers and besieged by stone-throwers and mudslingers.
They garlanded him with roses.
And garlanded Apollo goes.
So he said, "What's the matter, why didn't she garland me, she should have garlanded me?"
The old wainscoting was garlanded with foliage and flowers; the musicians were seated on the sofa on which they had laid Marius down.
The idol was actually a wooden shaft with a mask attached, garlanded with ivy - perhaps the most common way of depicting Dionysus in the Greek world.
“She looks Persian, ” he said of a regal visage carved into a brownstone frieze garlanded with leaves and birds. “She’s absolutely beautiful, and she’s absolutely a queen.”
This intense series of concerts has been so festooned in critics' stars, so garlanded in superlatives, that late joiners may have been beguiled into expecting pianistic perfection.
Though welcomed in Indonesia as if he were a native son, and garlanded in Delhi for backing India's bid for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, he failed to achieve his main goals.
In the chimney stood a pair of firedogs of iron ornamented above with two garlanded vases and flutings which had formerly been silvered with silver leaf which was a sort of episcopal luxury;
judy garland