Newport also recommends "deep scheduling" to combat interruptions and get more done in less time.
In order to make the most of our focus and energy, we also need to embrace downtime, or as Newport suggests, "be lazy".
We changed train in newport.
Let's camping and crabing at Newport.
Tew was born in Newport, Rhode Island and his family was rich.
Passengers for Newport and Cardiff change at Bristol Parkway.
Newport said: "Charcoal is the number-one threat to the survival of the park."
I was all set to give a presentation at the Naval War College in Newport.
A hundred years later, Newport was welcoming wealthy vacationers to its shores.
If you're visiting North Orange County, make sure to check out Newport, Huntington, and Seal Beach.
如果你正在北橘子郡,务必要去感受一下纽波特(Newport),亨廷顿(Huntington),海豹滩(Seal Beach)这三个地方。
Matthew Williams, 23, lives in ,Shin-Urayasu Japan but is originally from Newport Beach, California.
Matthew Williams, 23岁,来自于加州的纽波特比奇,现居住在日本东京的新浦安。
Then, a couple weeks later, on to the Newport Beach Jazz Party. There is plenty more room on my best list.
Balboa Island is tucked inside Newport Harbor and is surrounded by sandy beaches and calm bay waters.
The pair stayed at the Newport Beachside Hotel, alongside several other friends who were part of the wedding party.
You know, I suppose, thatshe has declined all invitations to stay at Newport, even with her grandmother Mingott?
A town of southeast rhode island on narragansett bay north of newport. it is a summer resort . Population 19460.
He has his first Olympic gold medal hanging from his first NBA MVP trophy in his office at home in Newport Coast.
But in commuting from Newport Beach to Long Beach to keep her fellow citizens safe, she doesn't burn a single drop of gas.
John F. Kennedy and Jackie Bouvier were married in Newport, Rhode Island and their son married on an island in Georgia.
Real house prices, adjusted for inflation, are back at levels last seen in 1999, says Patrick Newport of IHS Global Insight.
IHS Global Insight的帕特里克•纽波特newport指出,经通胀调整的实际房价已回到1999年水平。
The real estate mogul and chairman of Newport Beach, Calif-based Irvine Co. is not what you would call a publicity hound.
说起房地产大鳄、加州纽波特海滩欧文有限公司(Irvine Co.)董事长唐纳德·布伦(Donald Bren),那绝对是一位行事低调、避免抛头露面的富豪。
Newport, R.I. 's Belcourt Castle, built in 1894 for Oliver Belmont, was modeled after Louis XIII's hunting lodge at Versailles.
Apartments in Newport Lofts — Boemio's client, an out-of-town investor, paid $600, 000 for one — are now listed for as little as $179, 000.
The Newport Beach police received a report of a dead body on Mr. Pang's block at 3:41 p.m. Friday, according to the police department's online log.