Prison officers know what's going on, but look the other way.
《牛津词典》Each has had its own reason to look the other way.
You tend to look the other way at the first sign of trouble.
Or you are gonna look the other way 'coz he or she is your friend?
If they see someone being wronged, they probably look the other way.
You can nod or smile, but don't look the other way when you see someone.
Too often, the official response to mental illness is to look the other way.
The wives are also more tolerant of mistresses, and often look the other way.
I am ashamed when I see my friend; my companions look at me; I look the other way.
Some survive by slipping the tax collector a few Congolese francs to look the other way.
Stan didn't mind looking the other way; he just hoped the buyers would look the other way as well.
People look the other way - even people who are supposed to be working for the subway and enforcing its rules.
Hi James, could you please make my dad look the other way, because it's a bit awkward! Hahahahaha thanks.
On the first of April, it may be a good idea to look the other way if you see a purse lying on the sidewalk.
That may be true, but I can tell you that I won't look the other way or run the other way like those cowards.
The Federation claims to abhor Section 31's tactics, but when they need the dirty work done, they look the other way.
很有趣,不是吗? 联邦声称反对31区的行动,可是当需要有人帮忙干些脏活的时候,他们就不这么看了。
My wife does sometimes have to look the other way when we try something new, but we have no serious injuries to report so far.
"When these things do happen we sort of smile and look the other way," said Daniel Wegner, a psychologist at Harvard University.
I'm not suggesting we look the other way on serious issues, that we abandon healthy skepticism, or that we change our military's focus on the region.
Earthquakes can bring instant transparency to murky societies, exposing the greedy who put up shoddy buildings or the officials bribed to look the other way.
In order to have no trouble with the police, he had a talk with some of the police officers, who ordered their policemen to look the other way when the car came along the road.
Even if your partner deserves to be held accountable for a specific event, if it doesn't happen very often, it's better to sort of look the other way, to look at the bright side.