Mathematical model of inclined Angle and inclined azimuth is deduced.
In order to increase the conveying inclined Angle, the steeply inclined belt conveyor must be used.
Analyses parameter have inclined Angle, pipe diameter size, gas liquid ratio and friction factor and so on.
The inclined Angle of greenhouse roof has effect on temperature distribution and gas flow in space of this greenhouse.
The sliding plate is also provided with an angle sensor which can monitor the inclined angle in real time and has high accuracy.
Goods upgrading or downgrading along the spiral surface, avoid too large inclined angle which may cause goods overturningbeing destroyed.
By data method, the complexity degree coefficient of drape, fault and inclined angle of 15-17-16141 mining face is calculated and analyzed.
采用数字的方法,对平煤十二矿己15-1 7-16141工作面的褶皱复杂程度系数、断层复杂程度系数和倾角复杂程度系数进行量化计算与分析。
The inclined Angle of the folding reclining chair can be adjusted within a certain range at will, and the rear chair legs can be heightened.
Effects of inclined Angle on semi-solid microstructure of hypoeutectic high cr cast iron prepared by inclined plate cooling method were investigated.
The combination of radial and tangential fretting was realized by changing the inclined Angle of specimens on a newly developed radial fretting tester.
On the contrary, the back well drill method is from bottom to top, which is suitable for the small inclined Angle, but not for the large shaft section.
The results show that the Reynolds number, the fin inclined Angle, and the dimensionless channel height all influence the enhancement effect drastically.
The adopted boundary element method in the research can be flexibly applied to submerged double inclined plates with any thickness and any inclined Angle.
Laboratory model tests are carried out to investigate the effect of inclined Angle of the anchor on the uplift capacity and the mechanism of uplift failure.
Cross section area decreases and inclined Angle increases respectively when filling length increases, and the change becomes more obviously near the entrance.
Results show that centrifugal field has an important influence on the filling process and melt fills the mould with variational cross section and inclined Angle.
Combining with the actual situation in coal face, expound the key technology for large inclined Angle thin seam face so as to assure that slided coal can't come in goaf.
Its dynamic characteristics involved with speed and altitude, the influence of the inclined Angle of the trajectory plane and load on it are also calculated and analyzed in this paper.
The results show that opening point, opening angle, maximal tangential stress and critical load vary with aspect ratio and inclined angle. The most dangerous inclined angle is obtained accordingly.
Steeply inclined and filling type of karst fissure-water bearing structure occurred in a steeply inclined angle of fissure, easily accumulate water and form a high water pressure in its fissure space.
This distance from the camera target, coupled with the oblique (inclined) viewing angle from the ISS, results in the foreshortened appearance of urban areas in the image.
The results show that at any Angle between axes of inclined swirl control valve and crank shift, flow coefficient and inclined swirl ratio increase gradually with increase of valve opening.
The thesis presents a practical die structure with Angle pin and gear shaft and rack for secondary combined inclined down loosing core of die casting hopper bodies.
Influences of casting temperature, casting speed, length and Angle of inclined cooling plate on the stability of semisolid continuous casting for A356 alloy by inclined cooling were studied.
The effect of Angle of inclination at the interface of a viscous fluid and thermoelastic micropolar honeycomb solid due to inclined load is investigated.
There are also vertical shafts at right Angle to the surface and inclined or slope shafts at another Angle to the surface.
Sieve bed adopts inclined, the tilt angle of removed material and filtration material with the best result;
Please note this syncline is of inclined axial plane which has the same dip direction as the limb with gentle dip Angle.
According to a first advantageous embodiment of the invention, the butt (18) is positioned inclined or at an Angle to the body (3).