This rare and expensive food is actually made from the jellylike saliva that swifts (a type of bird) secrete as they line their nests.
This rare and expensive food is actually made from the jelly like saliva that swifts (a type of bird) secrete as they line their nests.
I did not realize that as I bound the power of river, swifts and stone into the metal, I also filled the sword with sorrow and the despair of death.
The nests in question here are produced by a variety of Swifts, specifically Cave Swifts who produce the nest by spitting a chemical compound that hardens in the air.
Bird's nest soup is a delicacy in Chinese cuisine. A few species of swift, the cave swifts, are renowned for building the saliva nests used to produce the unique texture of this soup.
taylor swift
swift growth
jonathan swift
n. 乔纳森·斯威夫特(英国政治家及小说家)
swift current
swift horse
n. 千里马