1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-12 17:17:20
英 [grəˈneɪdz]
美 [grəˈneɪdz]

v. 扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击;(grenade的第三人称单数形式)

n. 手榴弹;灭火弹;(grenade的复数)

  • Guerrillas attacked a patrol with hand grenades.


  • In each case the hijackers bluffed the crew using fake grenades.


  • Police fought a gun battle with a gang which used hand grenades against them.


  • Witnesses said police hurled stun grenades.


  • One of seven grenades thrown at the anti-whaling vessel is thought to have exploded on deck.


  • For example, infantry gunmen aircraft, rocket-propelled grenades in hand, scouts, and so on.


  • It can be fitted without any tools and is strong enough to protect against rocket-propelled grenades.


  • Another expression, used to warn friends about the presence of unappealing people at a party, is "Grenades!"

    另外一种表达方式,用来提醒朋友自己讨厌的人出现在了聚会上时,是“Grenades !”

  • He said 12 rebels were killed in the fighting, in which rocket propelled grenades and anti-aircraft guns were used.


  • Demomen grenades now collide with players and Engineer buildings after the first bounce, but still won't explode on contact.


  • This is a great plugin for servers where people spam infections grenades because there is no other reason to save their money.


  • With such things as rocket-propelled grenades and anti-aircraft guns on open display, Saada is said to boast the best-stocked arms bazaar west of Pakistan’s Peshawar.


  • Coe has heard rumors of monkeys being trained to run into enemy trenches carrying grenades when India and Pakistan were at war, but those claims have not been proven.


  • Moments later, they say, soldiers spilled over the walls in a flurry of grenades and bullets that left at least eight people dead, including a father and his four sons.

    村民们说,过了一会儿,士兵们就在枪弹声中涌过了墙头。 这次突袭至少造成了8人死亡。

  • LRAD has been used successfully, in one instance protecting a large cruise ship from pirates off the coast of Somalia who had rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns.


  • His idea of a practical joke was mounting a fake assault on one of the campus's office buildings using decommissioned weapons and 'grenades' made out of rolled-up socks.


  • That is the new Terran Marauder, equipped with dual concussion grenades which slows down the movement of biological units, as well as does bonus damage to armored vehicles.


  • When the vehicle began to move, and with reports that he had hand grenades, a decision was made to immobilize the vehicle as it would have made the situation even more dangerous.


  • Over the weekend, militants tried but failed to blast their way into an American base in eastern Afghanistan, striking before dawn with rocket-propelled grenades and a car bomb.


  • Robots are being prepared for increasingly sophisticated roles in combat, in the form of remotely operated drones and ground-based vehicles mounted with machine guns and grenades.


  • Most smoke grenades removed until a viable alternative or solution is found to minimize crashing issues. It has also received minor changes in an effort to move away from crashes.


  • What we wanted to do in Hellgate was to make the weapons into spell-delivery systems. Skills in Hellgate alter the way you use your primary weapon, such as the Marksman's grenades.


  • The DRWS provides the operator with the advantage of being able to use both, 40 mm grenades with a lethal surface affect, as well as a 7.62 mm machine gun used for specific targets.


  • In the Sayed Abad district, about 45 miles south-west of Kabul, insurgents used rocket-propelled grenades to bring down a helicopter last month, killing 38 people including 30 us soldiers.


  • hand grenade

    n. 手榴弹;灭火瓶

  • grenade launcher
