In order to be on top of our game both personally and organizationally, we need to develop a growth mindset.
Where (geographically, organizationally) do relevant processes occur?
They have not done so well ideologically, however, as organizationally.
Organizationally, it is the vanguard of a dismantled traditional hierarchy.
The author proposes three ways to integrate geography and history organizationally.
Organizationally, companies often don't really know where to put the subject matter experts.
Organizationally, it has stepped out of its narrow confines and become a major national party.
We would have meetings where we would debate our positions on what should be done organizationally.
All parts of this unified environment also support geographically and organizationally distributed teams.
Scanned engineering drawings are self- organizationally recognized based on Primitive Region Adjacency Graph (PRAG).
Next month, I'll talk about what needs to be different psychologically and organizationally for XP teams to have customers.
下个月,我们将讨论,对于 XP 团队而言,需要在心理和组织上进行怎样不同的改变以便赢得客户。
The geographically and organizationally distributed components of grid are sufficiently integrated to deliver desired QoS.
We had better fix this, organizationally and culturally, if we are to DEAL with mosquito-borne diseases in the 21st century.
It produces spontaneously and forms and evolves self-organizationally in specific inherent factors and environment changing.
Inventing new devices and making them pay off is an organizationally messy process that corporations will tolerate only to a point.
Organizationally, it was able to do so as the Soviet design bureau were given a surprising degree of latitude in the design process.
The economic state, level of education, the unhealthy culture, and the organizationally imperfect of help are responsible for female crime.
These forms, consisting in the newly-developing industries and traditional industries, organizationally facilitate inside efficiency to the greatest extent.
The single file version is handy for transporting, and saves a little bit of disk space, but an egg directory is functionally and organizationally identical.
At the time, most large companies organizationally separated their DBAs who did physical database design from the data administrators who created logical design.
Organizationally, the main screen is little different from that of NIS 2007, though it has traded its cheerful blue background for a tougher-looking patterned black.
软件界面有条不紊,主界面与NIS 2007稍有不同,原先欢快的蓝色背景给换成了黑色图案,看上去更显稳重厚实。
The best way to sell your argument is to demonstrate that it's in the best interests, organizationally and career-wise, of those managers and executives you seek to convince.
IBM's Rational asset Manager version 7.1 enables your organization to efficiently govern and reuse software assets in an organizationally distributed development environment.
IBM的Rational Asset Manager 7.1版使您的组织能够在有组织的分布式开发环境中,高效地控制和重用软件资产。
Claus t Jensen: They should understand that SOA is not about technology, and that adopting SOA cannot be done in a project it has to be done organizationally (or at least at a program level).
Claus T Jensen:他们应该理解SOA不是关于技术的,不能在项目级别采用SOA,而应该是在组织级(最起码也应该在项目集级别)。
The principle is simple enough: to technically and organizationally decouple applications from information, a proxy service is introduced between applications and the information they consume.