An example is given to illustrate the use of the AOS tree representation method.
It suggests that AOS is one of the up stream regulators in ethylene biosynthesis.
The pattern of the exertion of the right to audit commission has important influence on AOS.
As the incidence of cancer surges in Asia, the AOS is taking a further step to address the issues.
These results indicated that metabolism of AOS played an important role in the interactions of cowpea and rust pathogen.
AOS always participates in the foundation of anti-disease ability of plant in the interaction between plant and pathogen.
It is found that there are two routes leading the response to chaos, the intermittence to chaos and quasi-period to ch aos.
Complementing the responsive chassis is a Kayaba Air-Oil-Separate (AOS) fork that offers precise cornering and sharp handling.
Using split type membrane bioreactor ( MBR) can achieve effective removal of alpha olefin sulfonate (AOS)in simulant wastewater.
Lately, AOS gene has been cloned from many plants and been found that the gene structure closely related to its physiological function.
We propose an implicit discretization for the level set equation of the model and solve it using additive operator splitting scheme (AOS).
The method of"1553B- AOS HRM"will become the bottle-neck of ability development of air-ground data transfer, although it is used widely nowadays.
The paper mentions the application of AOS in machine translation software packages and the translation of multilingual thesaurus AGROVOC into Chinese language.
The Lancet Oncology published by Elsevier, and the Singapore Society of Oncology have worked to bring leading cancer experts and societies together at the AOS.
Compared with the PEG group, seedling and root length, fresh weight and RWC (%) were increased by 17.9%, 26.2%, 43.1% and 32.7% in the AOS group, respectively.
Knowing how and when to use Orianna? Aos abilities - combined with strategic setup - can deny entire areas of a combat zone or support a key ally and act as a force multiplier.
Based on study of the AOS recommendation, telemetry system and GPS autonomous positioning, this paper introduces a new scheme for transmitting of GPS autonomous positioning data.
Combined intimidation resulted in AOS accumulation, and cyanide-resistant respiration and the activities of antioxidant enzymes presented upon the completion of lowing AOS production, to some extent.
In this paper, isochronous service of Advanced Orbit System (AOS) is researched, and the possible schemes for implementing pseudo-random code ranging by using isochronous service of AOS are discussed.