Then he thoroughly trains himself to regard the drinking of alcohol as utterly useless, and gives it up.
It gives me a headache when I look up to him!
They can set up the Internet. It gives these countries access to the information that is on the World Wide Web.
This gives you a reasonable default, which you can still set up in the resource bundle if you want to override it.
Howerer, Feldman says, "While it gives liars a leg up on deceiving us, it does not mean we are bound to be always fooled --assuming, of course, that we don't want to be fooled."
Although aerogel is classed as a solid, 99% of the substance is made up of gas, which gives it a cloudy appearance.
His Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) gives poor countries money if they can come up with a good plan for what to do with it.
It simply gives our country the ability to pay the bills that Congress has already racked up.
If the dog's hackles are up if it gives a low decibel growl or if it engages in a predatory stalking posture then there is probably a danger in the environment.
If the dog's hackles are up, if it gives a low decibel growl, or if it engages in a predatory, stalking posture, then there is probably a danger in the environment.
The light gives cues to your brain that it is time to wake up.
Picking it up, your first reaction is it's very heavy, and if it's heavy of course it gives power behind your blow.
"It gives me a reason to get up," he says.
Because the structures in these different cycles, it builds up crisis and then it gives you something, a relief at the end.
It also gives you some resources to answer other questions that might come up when you start to integrate a touchscreen.
Who wants to curl up in a chair with "Red Bull - it gives you wings"?
谁想曲座在椅子上读书时,看见”红牛,给你一双翅膀。 “的广告。
Watching the world instead of eating it up gives you the peace of mind to think for yourself.
The DPRK neither opposes the six-party talks nor gives up the talks. It can return to the six-party talks whenever conditions for talks are ripe.
Its raises Thecla up even above Paul, and it gives a message of liberation to women, at least from whatever it is that keeps them down at the time, which is the patriarchal household.
Quotes are words of encouragement which can make you feel rejuvenated again, it gives you the strength to rise up against any challenge and makes you more determined.
It gives you easy access to the properties of selected elements without taking up a large portion of the screen.
This momentum gives the train enough energy to make it up the next hill.
When the user needs some data presented in a specific format, taking the raw data and processing it on spot may delay the response to the point that the user gives up waiting on it.
When water vapour condenses into cloud droplets it gives up energy and warms the surrounding air.