A pre-set pacemaker is useful in the control of post-resuscitative intractable bradycardia.
The common resuscitative agent for polluted cation exchange resin by iron is hydrochloric acid.
Studying on the features of the combined wound with seawater immersion would help to improve the early resuscitative effect.
ICD can significantly reduce the cardical mortality of the patients with resuscitative cardiac arrest or ventricular fibrillation too.
Objective it is to compare the resuscitative effects of normal saline (NS), 6% hydroxyethyl starch (HAES) and hypertonic-hyperoncotic solution (HHS) in rabbits with hemorrhagic shock.
Objective to analyse the effects of different resuscitative fluids on the lungs following hemorrhage, and to provide the scientific basis for the perfect fluid treatment in hemorrhage.
The secondary survey does not begin until the primary survey (ABCDEs) is completed, resuscitative efforts are well established, and the patient is demonstrating normalization of vital functions.