AOT compilation for applications.
We are principally AOT compiling them to test the AOT compiler.
In addition, using AOT code from the cache helps reduce startup time.
Introducing macrubyc, a command line tool interface to the AOT compiler.
Once you have AOT-compiled your application, you can use this command to run it.
Although AOT code enables more-deterministic performance, it also has some disadvantages.
Xjit: verbose: Use this command to report any AOT compilations performed by the jit.
Nonetheless, the common case is that AOT-compiled code is slower than JIT-compiled code.
SPECjbb2005 doesn't have a lengthy startup phase so only a few AOT methods are compiled.
One of the exciting new features of JRuby 1.1 is the ahead of time (AOT) compilation support.
1的一个令人激动的新特性就是对提前(ahead of time,即AOT)编译的支持。
Script has produced sweetfactory.jar — an AOT-compiled version of the sweet factory demo.
y运行build . sh脚本生成了sweetfactory . jar——sweet factory演示程序的一个AOT编译版本。
Default JIT compilation at low priority with Ahead-of-time (AOT) compiled code used initially.
较低优先级上的默认JIT编译,在最初使用了提前(Ahead - of - time, AOT)编译代码。
AOT code must therefore be generated with every static, field, class, and method reference unresolved.
We advise you not only to precompile your application, but also to AOT-compile key system JAR files.
AOT compilation makes heuristic decisions to select candidate methods that will improve future startup time.
In early 2008, the IBM Academy of Technology (AoT) decided to hold its first meeting in a virtual environment.
年初,IBM Academy of Technology (AoT)决定在一个虚拟环境中举行首届会议。
The first step, AOT code generation (using the jxeinajar tool), generates native code using the AOT compiler.
You will also learn how to Ahead-of-time (AOT) compile your application for improved determinism in an RT environment.
So it's possible that a future invocation of an application may also cause some additional methods to be AOT-compiled.
因此,对应用程序的后续调用可能会导致更多的方法被 AOT 编译。
If you do not specify a maximum amount of AOT code that can be stored, then the default setting is to use the entire cache.
AOT-compiled code, therefore, needs to be bound into the JVM's current execution environment before it can be executed.
Dynamic class loading, which is a challenge for the dynamic JIT compiler, is an even more significant issue for AOT compilation.
The AOT-compiled code is the equivalent to the native code the JIT compiler would generate if it used a fixed optimisation level.
Because AOT compilation occurs before the program executes, the compiler can't make any assumptions about which classes have been loaded.
Shortly after this first successful event, unpredictable global economic conditions led to the cancellation of the AoT general meeting.
在这次首届活动成功举办之后不久,难以预测的全球经济环境导致 AoT 大会取消。
A second disadvantage is that AOT-compiled code, though faster than interpreted code, can be substantially slower than JIT-compiled code.
AOT code is native code and generally executes faster than interpreted code (although it is not likely to run as fast as JIT-generated code).
Note that AOT compilations are performed at a cold optimization level, which reflects the overall AOT goal to accelerate application startup.
注意,AOT 编译以 cold 优化级别执行,这反映 AOT 的总体目标是加快应用程序的启动。
Rt applications can also derive an important benefit from AOT-compiled code: more-deterministic performance that exceeds interpreted performance.
Since participants in AoT events come from all over the world, travel is always an issue, not just because of the expenses, but also the travel time.