1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-02-24 15:34:46
英 [reɪ]
美 [re]

n. 瑞伊(女子名ˌRachel的昵称)

  • My songs RAE lost in their depths.


  • That was Rae first time to join the Shanghai Art Fair.


  • Him Hyun-Woo (Kim Rae-Wom) a harvard law school freshman from Korea.


  • "We remember it as better than it was, so it's hard to Pete," Rae says.


  • On the way to the hotel, Rae was mesmerized by the wonderful colors and smells.


  • Jessica Rae, lead writer of the US TV blog Small Screen Scoop, takes it further.


  • When I had a sports injury a while back I found Epsom salts really helped. Good tip, Rae!


  • Rae was a woman of her word - if she said she'd be here on Friday, she'd be here on Friday.


  • MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT RAE WON he is not the flippant characters he has previously portrayed.


  • The man was fast, but Rae was faster. She caught up to the man and tackled him to the ground.


  • It is concluded that NKG2D and its ligands RAE-1 and H60 may play important roles in GVT response.

    结论:NKG2D及其配体RAE - 1、H60在移植物抗肿瘤效应中的起着重要的作用。

  • Rae landed in Bombay early on a Wednesday morning. She got her luggage and made her way to the hotel.


  • The Research Assessment Exercise, known as the RAE (a form of peer review) seeks to do this every few years.


  • Rae dealt fairly and firmly with offenders; and noted how often the parents were separated and the father absent.


  • RAE 2. f. Though or consideration of something with attention and thoroughness to study it and understand it well.


  • Kim Rae Won is a Koreanborn actor and model who started his career when he was a teenager in the television series.


  • More importantly, John Rae, who died in 2006, would have been outraged by the implication that he was a typical “old boy”.

    更重要的是,已于2006年去世的John Rae如果得知自己被喻为典型的“旧势力”,一定会气得怒发冲冠。

  • Expert woodworker Andy Rae brings organization, enthusiasm, and more than 20 years' experience to this essential book.


  • While Rae was at Westminster the number of pupils increased by a third and girls were successfully integrated into the sixth form.


  • The RAE suggested the UK follow Ireland by launching a competition for any company in Europe to provide broadband to rural areas.


  • This paper points out: it is enough to be set up three irrelative real equations of measurement from the information sampled by the RAE.


  • After Robert Jared came his three sisters: Brianna Rae, 3 pounds 1 ounce; Briusley Faye, 3 pounds 13 ounces; and BuckleyLenay, 4 pounds 2 ounces.


  • She was so caught up in the sights and sounds, she barely had time to scream, "Thief" as a man grabbed her purse and ran away. Rae took off after the man.


  • Alexander also has daily counseling sessions with Rae, where they discuss his long-term goals, and even work on a plan for a tutoring business he hopes to start.


  • Dr. John Rae of the Westminster School is confident that a new generation, "never brainwashed by the illusion of British greatness, " will bring a fresh approach.


  • The greatest copper companies are devided into resource type and non-resource type in this paper, and the advantages and characteristic of each company RAE given.


  • Rae says the program is designed to mimic what life will be like once patients return home - downtime is built into the routine, so people can learn to cope with boredom.


  • Rae had been planning her trip for months. She was going to study yoga with one of the world's best yoga gurus. Her first meeting was scheduled for early the next morning.


  • Results Homologous integration of SV40T gene into RAE - 1 cell genome was positively detected by PCR. More than 95% cells were proved positively by alkaline phosphatase staining.


  • NORMA RAE has given us the gutsy, blue collar woman fighting the big corporation and the VERDICT has shown us out-of-their-league lawyers having to face very daunting legal challenges.
