1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-02-23 16:51:09
英 [fɔːˈriːtʃ]
美 [fɔːrˈriːtʃ]

n. 为每一个

  • We iterate through it with foreach.


  • ForEach is a container activity, as figure 4 shows.


  • We can do this simply using a pair of foreach loops.


  • You may think it more closely resembles a foreach loop.


  • ForEach activities support drag and drop of array variables.


  • If parallel is set to no, then forEach is similar to a loop.


  • Inside the foreach loop, add the line in bold shown in Listing 5.


  • The callback function then uses the forEach method on the Array object.

    该回调函数然后使用 Array 对象的 forEach 方法。

  • This is fairly long-winded and less expressive than a PHP foreach statement.

    这相当冗长,比 PHP foreach 语句的开销少。

  • The foreach loop in PHP makes it easy to reformat this array for HTML display.

    利用PHP foreach循环很容易改变数组的格式,以用HTML显示出来。

  • That’s the little bit of trigonometry code at the beginning of the foreach loop.

    在 foreach 循环的开始有一些三角函数的代码。

  • Because it is a Seq, it has a foreach method that takes a closure as a parameter.


  • A Transform operator can be used to modulate the result of the ForEach operation.


  • You can see the "wrong" behavior by adding use bytes; before the foreach call.

    您可以在foreach调用之前添加use bytes;来查看一些错误的行为。

  • Then, using a foreach statement, it lists the bare content of the section elements.

    然后,使用一个 foreach 语句,列示那些 section 元素的纯内容。

  • The foreach command runs the script shown in curly braces for each file encountered.


  • It then iterates over the elements in the response, processing each one using a foreach loop.


  • Then the foreach loop iterates through each data item and creates a new row with the data.

    然后,foreach 循环迭代通过每个数据项并利用数据创建一个新行。

  • We use a _ placeholder shortcut again in another function literal that we pass to foreach.

    我们在传给foreach 的这个字面函数中再一次使用了一个 _ 占位符。

  • The term ID, $tid, is found using a foreach loop on the array term object array retrieved.

    在获得的词汇对象数组上执行 foreach 循环,找到词汇 ID $tid。

  • The main foreach loop cycles through each of the nodes within the parent filesystem element.


  • It's also called foreach, and sometimes enhanced for — but these all refer to the same construct.


  • BPMN has two types of repeating activities, called looping (DoWhile) and multi-instance (ForEach).


  • For example, if a request requires a dynamic number of reviewers, a forEach activity could be used.


  • This line starts with dir (or Get-ChildItem) and pipes the results through the foreach command.

    这行以dir(或者Get - ChildItem)开始,然后把结果传递给foreach命令。

  • The foreach statement loops through the news items looking for anything to do with XYZ in the title.


  • The foreach loop is the most important line in the script: foreach (qp($url, 'entry') as $result).

    foreach 循环是脚本中最重要的一行: foreach (qp($url, 'entry') as $result)。

  • Then, at the bottom of the file, I use a foreach iterator to walk through the list of traces in the data.

    然后在文件的后面,使用 foreach 迭代器遍历数据中的轨迹列表。

  • However, with the pattern described above, parallel forEach semantics can already be achieved in Version 6.


  • The inner foreach loop iterates over the hash entries and strips trailing space characters from the values.

    内部 foreach 循环迭代哈希条目,删除值最后的后缀空格字符。