Do you want full-time or pari-time work?
There three cars made a pari passu advance.
GP is the interactive shell that provides access to the PARI functions.
The covenants clause is composed of sub-clauses such as negative pledge, pari passu, financial covenant and so on.
You see, Lux is almost between Pari and Frankfurt. But Munich is quite far... anyhow, think about it. If you like...
The reason, Surowiecki says, is that pari-mutuel betting is a nearly perfect machine for tapping into the wisdom of the crowd.
To evaluate the efficacy of interferon inhalation by PARI inhaler boy with bronchiolitis, 110 children were randomly divided into two groups.
目的:探讨干扰素驱动雾化吸入治疗毛细支气管炎的疗效。 方法:毛细支气管炎患儿110例,均给予抗感染、氧疗、对症等综合治疗。