A new chair lift is presently under construction to be ready for next season.
The most distinguished feature of the Switzerland Pavilion is the chair lift ride.
The two high speed Quad, one 2-man chair lift and 13 rope tows and platter lifts, give the resort a lift capacity of 10k skiers and snowboarders per hour.
We are in the process of remodeling our home to make it handicap friendly, and to build a chair lift to allow my wife or mother to travel from the top level to the bottom level.
In English:However, only clothes and manufacturers will be nosy, and we do not know the factors that are not prescribed surface, Karelinia chair lift people out of this can also be a super spokesmen.
"Pray lift me upon chair," said he to the princess, "and let me sit next to you."
Forthwith, very smoothly and easily, they lift Phil into the carrying chair and take her on the perilous journey downstairs with her feet sticking well out in front because her knees won't bend.
I can lift that chair, but I can't lift this table.
Long enough for a ponytail with swing to it. Long enough to sit against when I'm in a chair. Long enough to have to lift it up out of the sweater I'm pulling over my head. Long enough to braid.
Then the coach tries to find "emotional buttons." Hours of commands follow: "Lift that chair."
I can lift tat chair, but I can't lift this table.
She didn't want to take him up at first, but her father told her to lift the frog onto the chair by her side.
Lift the baby into the high chair.
The car is modified with a special hoist to help lift Nathan from his chair.
Or sit in a chair and lift your legs one at a time at the knee.
Hang your head, holding the sides of your chair with your hands, and try to lift the chair up.