Solar energy and bio-mass energy utilization will receive high attention in rural area.
What is often confused is the center-of-mass energy and also the energy per nucleon or parton.
The method of controlling the mass energy in thermodynamics of the fan with multiple variants was adopted to prevent the surge of fan.
A fast and robust method of vehicle-logo location was presented, which based on the high and mass energy of vehicle-logo in vertical direction.
Events recorded by the ALICE experiment from the first lead ion collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 2.76 TeV per nucleon pair. (CERN LHC Alice Detector)
图为欧洲核子研究中心的Alice探测器记录下的当 核子对 在中心物质能量为2.76电子伏下的首次铅离子碰撞试验
The application of the bio-mass energy is very significant to improve the energy structure, guarantee the energy safety and reduce the environmental pollution.
We discussed the relations between the cross-sections in tree level (and one-loop corrected cross sections) and center-mass energy in the luminosity measuring ranges of GLC.
The operation process of the closed variable mass energy transformation and storage (VMETS) system composes of two processes namely the charge process and the discharge process.
If you jump into a black hole, your mass energy will be returned to our universe, but in a mangled form, which contains the information about what you were like, but in an unrecognizable state.
This heating is extremely efficient and can convert about 50% of the mass energy of an object into radiation, as opposed to nuclear fusion which can only convert a few percent of the mass to energy.
The city is an extraordinary processor of mass and energy and has its own metabolism.
To obtain empirical data regarding the energy costs of singing, Thomas examined the relationship between song rate and overnight changes in body mass of male nightingales.
The Industrial Revolution, making it possible to mass-produce manufactured goods, was marked by their use of new machines, new energy sources, and new basic materials.
Birds store energy as subcutaneous fat deposits or "body reserves"; changes in these reserves can be reliably estimated by measuring changes in body mass.
Better design and wiser use of both mass transit systems and private vehicles will play an important part in helping America get more out of energy used for transportation.
It's true that when matter and antimatter meet, they do annihilate in a big explosion and convert their mass to energy.
They store the energy mechanically by rotating mass around an axis.
The key to forming a black hole is cramming enough mass or energy into a small enough volume as happens when a massive star collapses.
Mass and energy — I'm an open system, right?
The key to forming a black hole is cramming enough mass or energy into a small enough volume, as happens when a massive star collapses.
If a large enough mass or energy is crammed into a small enough space that warping becomes so severe that nothing not even light can escape.
Design and testing of these physical systems rely on standard design practices that employ the laws of conservation of force, mass, and energy.
He especially added a word in the article when describing the mutual equal of mass and energy that the saying of mutual equal was not accurate.
Gravity accounts for negative energy, whereas the mass of a star is undeniably positive.
By emitting this so-called Hawking radiation, a black hole would gradually lose energy and mass.
It means energy is a product of a mass and a coefficient, energy and mass can be converted to one another.
When matter and antimatter meet, they annihilate, converting their mass into energy in a powerful explosion.
Overall, dark energy is thought to contribute 73 percent of all the mass and energy in the universe.