Sludge: 1L from aeration tank of existing aerobic treatment plant, check SV30 and MLSS, MLVSS.
污泥:1L 取自现有现有好氧污水处理厂曝气池,测定SV30, MLSS和MLVSS。
The MLSS was the rst large-scale study to compare surgical and nonoperative outcomes for lumbar disc herniation.
MLSS 是第一个比较腰椎间盘突出症手术与非手术治疗结果的大样本研究。
DO variation with temperature under the conditions of changing aeration rate, MLSS density and influent COD in the process of the organism degraded.
The relation of MLSS between the endogenous respiration rate and the maximum respiration rate are investigated and compared respectively based on activated sludge process.
Compared with the conventional activated sludge process, the aerobic granular sludge has the advantages of high MLSS concentration, high settling velocity, and less land coverage.
Microbes attaching on the carriers fleetly develop and proliferate, it effectively reduces suspended-growth microbes or MLSS for food competition and also depresses fouling of membranes;