1 词典释义:
tail out
时间: 2024-11-20 13:04:28


  • When I went out to check if the bird was alive, I could see its tail out from my cat's mouth.


  • But when she tried to pull her tail out of the water, she found that it was frozen in the ice.


  • The bird fanned out its tail feathers.


  • It enters the windpipe and moves through the lungs toward the tail, then back out the nostrils through the windpipe.


  • So he went out and caught 300 foxes and tied them tail to tail in pairs.


  • It's quieter, but only slightly: the wind drowns out the engines as it buffets the tail and wings.


  • Spectators gather to watch heated matches in which two crickets battle it out, gladiator style, until one turns tail and runs.


  • Rather than wait for the other thread to finish, the current thread can "help" it out by finishing the operation for it by moving the tail pointer forward (b).


  • That is,the ratios get more extreme as you go farther out along the tail.


  • Finally they tied ropes to the shark's tail fin and behind its pectoral fin, and attached these ties to the rescue vessel, which towed the shark out through the harbour estuary.


  • The crane was used to hoist the animal by its tail, a risky maneuver because its great weight out of the water could have damaged its spine and internal organs, Gennari said.

    我们用吊车钩住绑在尾部的绳索将它吊起,这是相当冒险的操作,因为离水后的巨大重量可能会损坏它的脊椎和内脏。” Gennari说。

  • Then the Lord said to him, "Reach out your hand and take it by the tail." So Moses reached out and took hold of the snake and it turned back into a staff in his hand.


  • Soon a fish will come and grab your tail and you can pull him out.


  • You sit at home, said the cat, in your dark-gray fur coat and long tail, and are filled with fancies, that's because you do not go out in the daytime.


  • What we're trying to do is identify that gene and keep it from turning on, and just let the animal hatch out with its tail.


  • The electrician explains that if the rat’s tail touches metal while it’s chewing on the wires, it’s enough to short out the fuse.


  • I had always assumed that the reason a squirrel had a big bushy tail was that as they careened through the space between branches they used it to wave around and keep from tumbling out of control.


  • Even a Los Angeles Police Department officer who stopped her because of a burned-out tail light was impressed, she said. "he told me, 'You look really familiar."


  • The assembly which holds the vacuum cups, level arm and tail stop. It also moves the board in and out of the machine.


  • The activation record isn't needed anymore, so we are going to cut it out and redirect the tail-called function back to the function that called us.

    再也不需要活动记录(activation record),所以我们将删掉它,并将尾部调用的函数重定向返回到调用我们的函数。

  • And one more thing: “If you have a pony tail, ” said Marina Kielpinski, the instructor, “let it go out the back of your helmet so people can see you’re a woman.”


  • We knew the animal was in there, because it left its tail poking out.


  • The result is that unburned gasoline or carbon monoxide come out the tail pipe.
