The basic way that verifies whether bending moment diagram is correct is derivative judge.
In the architecture mechanics, drawing bending moment diagram is a foundation and a basis of the structural design.
The bending moment diagram and circle of stress are drawn; the most flexural torque and primary stress are solved in MATLAB.
The method of using various released structures in the moment diagram of each unit in force method is discussed in this paper.
The method to plot a shear diagram and bending moment diagram in mechanics of materials has been deeply studied in this paper.
This article presents the whole process of calculating in finite-element displacement method by MATLAB, and draws bending moment diagram directly.
The section of tapered member changed forms close to moment diagram under load, its material distributes reasonable, shape is lightness and beauty.
Take a moment to study this diagram.
Let's assume for a moment that the class diagram in Figure 1 describes the business objects and the relationships between them.
An astrological forecast, as of a person's future, based on a diagram of the aspect of the planets and stars at a given moment.