It doesn't matter whether you are George Bush, Pele or Chuck Norris are not safe in Iraq.
When Pele and other international stars began playing in various US cities, people saw how interesting the game was and began to go to the matches.
In the 1970s, the famous Brazilian football player Pele retired from the national team of Brazil and became a professional player for a team in New York.
What have you seen of Pele in action?
Tell him he's Pele and get him back on.
In many ways, the museum is a shrine to Pele.
Pele has even played on this lawn himself.
The King of football Pele is by football fans around the world.
Pele 's spokesman Pepito Fornos said:' He is walking with a cane.
Pele,Maradonna and other footballing legends have become household figures. ;
贝利、马拉多纳等足球界 传奇人物早已成为家喻户 晓的名字.
Nine years later, FIFA chose him and Pele as the best players in soccer history.
The Maradona and pele polemics will end and the best thing is that Messi is Argentinian.
Brazilian superstar pele is the only player to have won three World Cup championships.
Violence in Cite Soleil has led to conflicts between two neighborhoods - Boston and Simon Pele.
Messi on the other hand could be legitimately compared to Pele, Diego Maradona and Alfredo Di Stefano.
It was Pele who first used the term "beautiful game" to describe his profession, and his nation's passion.4.
In 2001, he was named by FIFA as one of the greatest players in soccer history, alongside Brazil's Pele.
Brazil is home to the world's most successful national team and, arguably, the greatest player in history — Pele.
Diego Maradona said to Pele, who had suggested the Argentina boss only took the job because he was out of the pocket.
Brazilian legend Pele believes both England and Italy have strong chances of winning the World Cup in Germany this summer.
As usual, the last word falls to the great Pele: "the Maracana is a special place for all Brazilians, but especially for me."
Pele married for the third time last month when he wed long time girlfriend Marcia Cibele Aoki, a 50-year-old businesswoman.
Many Hawaiians traditionally attribute the fiery appetiteof the Earth to the volcano goddess Pele, said to live in a Kilauea vent.
But Brazilian star pele in the early 1980s and Britain's David Beckham more recently failed to catapult soccer into the mainstream.
As a child, my creator met the real pele, the greatest soccer player of the previous century. That was the beginning of his grand design.
He was the new pele who, after being horribly abused by both his parents, fled from Ghana to Europe to make a spectacular start to his career.