Rosenberg argues convincingly that public-health advocates ought to take a page from advertisers, so skilled at applying peer pressure.
Take a page from David Letterman’s playbook and make a top ten list.
She reminded women to “take a page from men and own their own success.”
Some advice to manufacturers of these music players: Take a page from Palm's playbook and rig your devices to sync with iTunes.
The energy sector could take a page from financial firms, which do a good job of ensuring that Internet-based transactions are secure.
Twitter has rolled out several different advertising systems in recent weeks and we're hearing that the next one will take a page from the Dell Computers playbook.
So if you want to take a page from Kate's book at your next awkward family gathering (or during flu season), keep your clutch in both hands and smile politely.
They could take a page from the newcomers, such as bloggers, the best of whom are much more open on this; their world views and motivations are typically crystal clear.
In fact, what we ought to do is take a page from their playbook, because the initiatives and programs that have been set in place for women in science and engineering and mathematics are fantastic.
事实上,我们要做的是站在男孩的立场来思考解决问题, 因为在学校已设置的初级教学和课程计划适合女孩在科学,工程学和数学方面有杰出表现。
When you are finished with the tutorial, you will have a search page that can take input from users, compare it against the data in a database, and return results to the user.
When users request a page, it can take anywhere from 200 to 500ms for the backend server to stitch together the HTML page.
当用户请求了一个页面时它可以去任何地方由 200 500ms 以便后端服务器缝 HTML 页。
Apart from the fields, you also want to add a button to the grid, and have that button take you to a detail page that shows more detailed information about the selected EMPLOYEE.
Users have come to expect some form of rectangular shape, and when quickly scanning a page, it may take longer to distinguish button from decoration, and even become frustrating.
Most take the form of some proprietary query language that maps sections of an HTML page into code that populates a database with information from the Web page.
Then take a new piece of music and slowly read it for a page or two, carefully playing both hands together, starting from the beginning.
And that's how you get from a blank page to a well-crafted personal statement, college essay and--take it from me--even blog post.
I believe in pushing myself and I think you know I work hard, but I'm concerned that we're on a different page from Department X about how long these projects take.