The more I love you, the more I fel cold.
Fel Orc sent into space to fight for the demonic legion.
This method can also be used with the harmonic wave radiation in FEL.
If that meant the deaths of more Fel Guard and Eredar, then so be it.
Roan Fel wore a more elaborate variant of this armor, along with a royal cape.
The effect of divergence of the incident electron beam on the gain of FEL is analysed.
It is shown that a FEL operation is possible in this wiggler by using higher harmonics.
Here we give the design proposal of a new DC-RF injector used in high average power FEL.
Demon Skin, Demon Armor and Fel Armor are no longer Magic effects and cannot be dispelled.
Optional: find a group for the two elite quests "Bride of the Embalmer" and "Morbent Fel".
Felhunter: Paranoia and Tainted Blood have been replaced with Fel Intelligence and Shadow Bite.
Increased the chance that Felweed, Dreaming Glory, Ragveil, and Flame Caps will contain a Fel Lotus.
The design of input coupler for a Ku-band coaxial FEL amplifier is presented. Main parameters are given.
With the help of MAGIC program, a new coaxial hybrid wiggler FEL amplifier was investigated in this paper.
Thirdly, the effective time to add the wavelength stabilization feedback is the time when the FEL work steadily.
Fel Intelligence (Felhunter) : Increases total Intellect and Spirit of party and raid members by 3%. Lasts until cancelled.
Fel Intelligence could use a larger range. (35-40 yards would be sufficient, I think) I'm not entirely sure how I like it yet overall.
恶魔智力可以有更大的范围(我想35 - 40码足够了)。我不确定我现在有多喜欢它。
To obtain high average current electron beams for high average power Free Electron Laser (FEL), a DC-SC photocathode injector is designed.
为获得用于高平均功率自由电子激光(FEL)的高平均流强电子束,设计了一种新型的DC- SC光阴极注入器,并对其进行了优化设计和束流动力学研究。
A coaxial hybrid wiggler free-electron laser (FEL) amplifier with and without plasma filling is studied by a method of PIC simulation in this paper.
OBJECTIVE to determine the bear bile acids in Fel Ursi, chick gall, duck gall and dog gall by Micellar Electrokinetic Capillary Chromatography (MECC).
The cavity can effectively choose center frequency, increase electron efficiency and output power of the Raman FEL operating in quasi -single mode regime.
Vlasov kinetic theory of the FEL with cyclotron maser pump is presented, linear growth rate obtained and two schemes of cyclotron maser pumps are proposed.
By use of accelerator theory in FEL studies, single particle, nonlinear equations of motion with corresponding non-self-consistent computer code is established.
The interaction process between electrons with electromagnetic waves in the fr-ee electron laser (FEL) is analysed and the corresponding gain expression is derived.
Influence of untrapped electrons on the sideband instability of electromagnetic Wig-gler free electron laser(EM-FEL)is analyzed in detail with single-particle theory.
Conclusion Fel Ursi can penetrate blood aqueous barrier and blood vitreous barrier, permeable ability into aqueous humor and vitreous are similar at most time points.
The Shanghai Free Electron Laser (SFEL) user facility currently under construction at Shanghai institute of Nuclear Research is a broadband free electron laser (FEL) facility.
The uniformity of the transverse distribution of the field is checked to provide the experimental data for the coherent harmonic generation and FEL investigation in the future.
As a result, it is successful in controlling the amplitude regulation accuracy of the microwave sources high voltage to 0.15%, which satisfies the requirement of far infrared FEL experiment.