You talk of the break of morning as you view the new aurora, Cloud in crimson, the key of heaven, one love carved in acajou.
你谈起了破晓黎明, 正如你欣赏着新升的曙光, 深红的云彩是天堂的征兆, 雕刻在桃花心木中的爱。
n. 腰果;桃花心木
You talk of the break of morning as you view the new aurora, Cloud in crimson, the key of heaven, one love carved in acajou.
你谈起了破晓黎明, 正如你欣赏着新升的曙光, 深红的云彩是天堂的征兆, 雕刻在桃花心木中的爱。