They challenged him to produce evidence to support his allegations.
《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》We must produce evidence in support of our theory.
He can produce evidence to support his allegations.
Scientist must produce evidence in support of a theory.
A scientist must produce evidence in support of a theory.
They've been required to produce evidence proving that a specific event caused their PTSD.
Objective: evaluate the change of blood glucose in neonatal asphyxia to produce evidence for therapy.
People become reinforced in the paradigm that they are determined, and they produce evidence to support the belief.
Article 38 The parties shall produce evidence in support of the facts on which their claim, defense or counterclaim is based.
第三十八条 当事人应当对其申请、答辩和反请求所依据的事实提出证据。仲裁庭认为必要时,可以自行调查事实,收集证据。
The judge can then authorize their being detained for eight more days, meaning police have that much time to produce evidence.
Aliens who have been invited or hired to work in China shall, when applying for visas, produce evidence of the invitation or employment.
And for the people who have denied there is a real problem here: I think the onus is now on you to produce evidence justifying your dismissiveness.
However, like Mexico's Tecnologia Aeroespacial Mexicana and Colorado-based JetPack International, it has yet to produce evidence of a single sale.
Article 8 Aliens who have been invited or hired to work in China shall, when applying for visas, produce evidence of the invitation or employment.
For many years, veterans with PTSD have been stymied in receiving benefits by requirements they produce evidence proving a specific event caused the PTSD.
If you could produce evidence of his death, you could produce no evidence against this lady, beyond the one fact that she had a powerful motive for getting rid of him.
Locate the evidence: If management cannot produce evidence that the control activity or monitor is working, i. e., any substantiating documentation, consider whether the control exists.
Evidence from a 1997 study at the University of California shows that several patients who received such substances were able to produce their own natural drug.
Evidence for the two elements has been mounting for years. In 1999, for example, Russian physicists bombarded plutonium-244 with calcium-48 to produce a single atom of rapidly decaying 114.
几年前,科学家就宣称发现了这两种元素,例如,1999年,俄罗斯物理学家用高能粒子钙- 48冲击钚- 244,产生了一个很快衰变的第114号元素的原子。
Probably not unless you could produce the guy's blood-stained shirt as evidence.
The effect of menu labelling on dietary choices remains unclear, and the regulations are too new to produce much evidence.
Officials have worried that releasing the photos would be inflammatory and could produce a backlash that would outweigh any benefits of providing evidence of bin Laden's death.
And the need to produce solid evidence of benefit to satisfy regulators should reassure shoppers, says Eric Scher of Sanford Bernstein, a research firm.
研究公司Sanford Bernstein的Eric Scher表示:必须出具确凿的证据才能达到管理者的要求,令消费者放心。
They go on accumulating their evidence and challenging the theoretical physicists to produce theories which will fit it.
However, there is also evidence that the sun is inexorably losing its ability to produce sunspots (see "the sunspot forecast").
Whether a developer USES test-driven development (TDD) or creates unit tests after writing the code, the evidence is clear that unit tests help produce high-quality, bug-free code.