1 词典释义:
client oriented
时间: 2025-01-30 10:46:19
英 [ˈklʌɪənt 'ɔ:rɪəntɪd]
美 [ˈklaɪənt 'ɔrɪrntɪd]


  • The framework also comes with code samples for a book library, an email client, a document oriented application, and also basic support for unit tests.


  • Lotus Expeditor has a place in the IBM family of rich clients as a managed client for Service-Oriented Architecture, or SOA, and composite applications.

    作为面向服务架构Service - Oriented Architecture, SOA和复合应用程序的托管客户机,Lotus Expeditor在IBM的富客户机家族中占有一席之地。

  • Mark Chang is a principal strategist in the Intel technology Sales group specializing in Service-Oriented Enterprise and advanced client system business and technology strategies worldwide.

    Mark Chang是Intel Technology Sales group的首席战略家,负责面向服务企业和高级客户端系统业务和全球技术战略。

  • This set of patterns provides entry points for clients which are not enabled for service-oriented client access.


  • In activity-oriented services, the operations are the center of attention, with a single operation for each activity the client might request to be performed.


  • In both DCOM and CORBA, the interactions between a client process and an object server are implemented as object-oriented RPC-style communications.


  • Client needs have become increasingly complex and globally oriented, and as a result wealth management has changed over the past 10 years.


  • On the left is a typical data-oriented Web service that provides unformatted data; it must rely entirely on client-side rendering code for data presentation.


  • ActionScript, a powerful object-oriented programming language, is used to create client logic.


  • The client platform provides a service framework that implements the OSGi R4 framework specification and provides a service-oriented architecture (SOA) on top of the runtime environments.

    客户机平台提供一个服务框架,这个框架实现OSGi R 4框架规范,并在运行时环境之上提供一个面向服务的体系结构(SOA)。

  • If you spend much time with Jena, you'll begin to realize that a gap exists between what's considered to be normal object-oriented code and your client code that interacts with the Jena API.

    如果花大量时间研究Jena,您将会认识到普通的面向对象代码和与Jena API交互的客户端代码之间存在差异。

  • It's still uncompromisingly based on a client-server, connection-oriented model where the application lives on a different machine from the database (so 1980s!)


  • Web services solutions and service-oriented architectures (SOAs) include service requestor (client) and service provider (server) implementations, which communicate via SOAP (XML messaging).

    Web 服务解决方案和面向服务体系结构(SOA)包括服务请求者(客户端)和服务提供者(服务器)的实现,它们通过 SOAP(XML 消息传递)来通信。

  • However, many database client-oriented applications are plagued by a number of performance antipatterns, including.


  • We adhere to the customer oriented, high-efficient work processes, build and smooth interaction between the client platform.


  • Due to the object oriented software engineering idea in this system, it has high expansibility and can fit for complicated client environment.


  • The visual workflow system based on approving of object-oriented document is composed of workflow modeling, workflow engine and monitor, client and background application.


  • On the basis of developing fundamental library of offline application, research has been done on the service-oriented smart client architecture.


  • At the same time in accordance with the audit risk assessment methods of modern risk-oriented audit make a preliminary study of the relevance between life-cycle of client and audit risk.


  • We are client service oriented and committed to the quality of Big Four and other well-known international consulting firms.


  • From the definition of logistics given by National Standard logistics Term, we can see that our country's knowledge about logistics lacks client-oriented marketing idea.


  • It proposes to system architecture of plug-in based government-enterprise customer-oriented client, and discusses the key implementation technologies of plug-in based client.


  • Even though I am a unreliable client, you are always patient and detail-oriented. Your questions help me clarify my mind. Thank you very much!


  • We reward the excellent talents who have team spirit, the capability of constantly innovation, the sense of client-oriented and the courage to take challenges.
