Of hammered gold and gold enamelling.
Cloisonne enamelling as an overall decoration of metal vessels was a relatively late import.
Gowing, I presume, is still offended with me for black enamelling his stick without asking him.
The invention relates to a tension device, in particular to a lead tape tension device of an enamelling machine.
System structure is introduced for control of combustor temperature in enamelling machine with single-board computer.
The colored enamel together with its enamelling process are given, and the easy-break behavior of the ampoule has been discussed.
Highest quality sculpted pewter neckwear, complete on a variety of chains, ribbons, etc. and incorporating enamelling, crystals and more.
The bespoke movement in England is challenging mass production at the other end of the scale, after all has anyone developed mechanical enamelling techniques for jewellery?
The exchanger is used to recover the waste heat of the flue gas from enamelling furnace, in order to preheat the air entering the drying oven. Good results in energy saving have been obtained.
The Company has introduced home advanced wire drawing equipment, enamelling equipment and whole set enamelled wire testing equipment with annual output of various enamelled wire over 3000 tons.