What WEP key?
什么是 WEP 密钥?
o Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n with WPA, WPA2, WEP, 802.1X authentication(1)
o Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n,支持WPA WPA2 WEP 802.1X认证
WEP keys can be numeric, alphabetic, or a combination of both.
It is intended to configure WEP keys according to the networks found.
You will need the WEP key found on the label on the underside of the hub when prompted.
In addition, WEP contains numerous bug fixes, leading to a smoother experience using WEP.
Of course, there's a glaring flaw here: We're not using a WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) key.
当然,这里有一个明显的缺陷:我们没有使用 WEP(有线对等保密,Wired Equivalent Privacy)密钥。
This test is usually run both with and without WEP enabled to check for WEP speed degradation.
WEP uses CRC 32 checking code inside the RC4 encipher system to provide message integrity check.
WEP通过在RC4密码系统内部设置CRC 32循环冗余校验的方式来实现报文完整性验证。
The script USES WLAN tools and utilities to configure device driver parameters like WEP keys and SSIDs.
WEP combines a 40-bit or a 104-bit key with a random 24-bit initialization vector to encrypt/decrypt data.
WEP 将 40 比特或 104 比特密钥与随机的 24 比特初始向量组合用以加解密数据。
The project's tools include iwconfig to configure parameters like WEP keys and SSIDs in the WLAN driver.
Seasonal factor had significant impact on the chemical compositions and antioxidant activity of WEP in China.
In theory, WEP is supposed to make your network secure; in practice, it will only slow down intruders a little bit.
WEP 理论上被认为会使您的网络很安全;实际上,它只会略微减缓入侵者的入侵速度。
To help with this, set up the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) key to detect an access point that you can connect to.
为了帮助实现这一目的,要设置有线等效加密(Wired Equivalent Privacy, wep)键,以检测您可以连接到的接入点。
A method to adopt the binding validatation technology with static IP, MAC and user password based on WEP is proposed.
Is there a way to determine which encryption method (WEP, WAP, WAP2,...) is used just by analyze the traffic data of WiFi?
有没有一种方法,以确定哪些加密方法(wep, wap, WAP2。)通过分析无线网络的流量数据使用吗?
For security, WLAN's wired equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption mechanism provides a level of security equivalent to wired networks.
出于安全性考虑,WLAN的Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)加密机制提供与有线网络相同的安全级别。
At least WEP is marginally better than no encryption at all and will stop others from connecting to your network accidentally.
For example, if the router security is set to WPA but the device only supports WEP, the device will not connect to the network.
WEP Key error, change WEP key to all numbers (on router homepage) and try agian, or which to WPA. - Otherwise disable security.
The protective effect of WEP on endothelial cells may be synergic with inhibitor of HMGCoA reductase such as fluvastatin sodium.
Following methods are also supported, but since they do not generate keying material, they cannot be used with WPA or IEEE 802.1X WEP keying.
同样支持下面的这些功能,但是这些不生成建钥资料,所以它们不能够WPA 或者IEEE 802.1X WEP一同使用。
But experts said they were not as fast or effective as the latest free cracking programs, because the devices worked only on WEP-protected networks.
To protect corporate data, experts recommend that when wireless, you only connect to the Internet through a VPN and always use WEP or WPA encryption.
WDS links can only be used in pure AP mode and cannot use WEP (except when sharing the Settings with the master interface, which is done automatically).
Though the early measures as SSID, ACL and WEP have guaranteed the wireless network security in the certain degree. However, these measures are still many leaks.
WEP-encrypted password (for wired equivalent privacy) is not as strong as a WPA (or Wi-Fi protected access) password, so it's best to use a WPA password instead.
The impact of temperature and precipitation changes on annual and monthly runoff process in headwater area of the Yellow River was analyzed by using WEP-L model.