The mixture will resolve into two simple substances.
The mixture will resolve into four simple substances.
This mixture will resolve into two simple substances.
The mixture will resolve into three simple substances.
Hair removed from the raw hide through the process of Unhairing can be resolve into protein by chemical methods.
However, in languages that do not have negative concord, such as Standard English and German, a double negative is understood to resolve into a positive.
He met dozens of other Abrahims, men who promised him that when they made it to London the rest of their lives would finally resolve into the picture they had imagined.
He went into retreat and tried to resolve the conflicts within himself.
《牛津词典》Thinking often ripens into resolve and action.
Start the recipe construct design process by outlining a set of high-end operations that resolve themselves into constructs.
开始配方构造设计过程,即列出一组将自己分解为 构造的高端操作。
Let us resolve that all nations - including my own-will act with the same seriousness of purpose as has your nation, and reduce the carbon we send into our atmosphere.
Again, embedding accessible design principles into popular software development processes and tools would resolve these problems.
Simply getting people into a room to vent their frustrations is unlikely to resolve any problems and may even exacerbate them.
Analytical thinkers dive right into a single topic and research it thoroughly to resolve a specific problem.
You can resolve this problem by tailoring the process and incorporating instrumentation points directly into it.
Resolve to sub-divide at least one product orservice into bite-size chunks that are inexpensive, easy or fun.
They can be converted and composed into string formats, parsed for a particular field value, used to enquire about an object, resolve to get a complete binding, copied and freed as needed.
Exercise increases your energy and also boosts your metabolism, helping you avoid weight gain, which can easily throw a wrench into your resolve.
To resolve this problem, we converted our Car class into a fluent interface, so that the code from Listing 3 became the fluent interface shown in Listing 4.
resolve upon a plan for plunging into that world anew.
When Bill accepts his changes into his workspace, he usually has to resolve the conflicts.
Resolve the Url (convert ~ into the appropriate directory).
And then they cross into becoming a Class III entrepreneur when they resolve to do something about it.
Unit tests make it easier to find and resolve problems early which can translate into huge savings over the life of a project.
Whatever you do, do not yell back or get into a Shouting match with your boss. It will not help resolve anything.
By forcing developers to resolve persistence problems almost entirely on the server, without relying on the client system, the lack of state has pushed developers into independence.
Symbol resolution also occurs, which can resolve to symbols that are resident in the kernel (compiled into the kernel image) or symbols that are transient (exported from other modules).
Countries and nations should all discard past grievances, turn swords into ploughsharesand resolve disputes by peaceful means.
The utmost effort of human reason is to reduce the principles productive of natural phenomena to a greater simplicity and to resolve the many particular effects into a few general causes.
It has the remarkable capacity to solidify the sentient Earth's resolve &intent into tangible physical reality.