In 'He grabbed the ball and threw it in the air', 'ball' is the antecedent of 'it'.
在He grabbed the ball and threw it in the air一句中,ball是it的先行词。
《牛津词典》You have sufficient reason for affirming the antecedent.
Upon contracting government projects, the antecedent money for bidding may be reduced by up to 50%.
That was antecedent to this event.
This is an antecedent of the matter.
That's an antecedent standard. Moral desert.
Something out mind always has antecedent.
Antecedent derivation is an extension of theorem proving.
Person, as rational being, is the antecedent of moral low.
This may seem like pure success-brilliance, or its antecedent anyway.
The word "man" is the antecedent of "who" in "the man who spoke".
Physical processes flow inevitably from their antecedent conditions.
Some patients state that lesions develop at the site of antecedent trauma.
It sort of opens things up, and we refer to this as the antecedent phrase.
The cavemen lived in a period of history antecedent to written records.
The cave men lived in a period of history antecedent to written records.
So it has a kind of antecedent-consequent phrase structure with the chord.
这里像是一个前后分句的结构, 配上和弦。
A pronoun must refer to one and only one antecedent to avoid vagueness or ambiguity.
We provide a Chinese layout analysis method with antecedent non_text regions for this characteristic.
And the model can generate with higher accuracy by increasing the number of fuzzy partitions in antecedent.
One of the biggest differences between today's reality television and its 1973 antecedent is the genre's status.
From three year antecedent the northern strong country is that empress, change calling to be robber's starting!
Pathogenesis of diabetic gastroparesis (DG) can be divided into basic pathogenesis and antecedent pathogenesis.
The study examined the effect of sentence semantics and distance between pronoun and its antecedent on pronoun processing.
Administrative investigation includes not only subsequent collection of evidence, but antecedent collection of information.
The results show that employee perceived organizational justice is an important antecedent of guest perceived service fairness.
This study examines the effect of implicit verb causality in determining the antecedent of a pronoun in Chinese sentence comprehension.
- ebullientadj. 兴高采烈的;奔放的;活力四射的;沸腾的;翻滚的
- equivalentadj. 相等的;相同的;等同的;等效的;等价的;同解的
- parentn. 父亲;母亲;养父;养母;家长;母公司;亲本;总公司;起源;亲代
- translucentadj. 半透明的
- agentn. 代理人;起积极作用的人;作用因素;经纪人;代理商;中介;间谍;特工;施动者
- deterrentn. 威慑力量;吓阻力量;制止力量;威慑物;核威慑
- nutrientn. 营养;滋养物;养料
- belligerentadj. 敌对的;好战的;交战的;处于冲突中的
- omniscientadj. 无所不知的
- subservientadj. 无条件顺从的;从属的;次要的;附属的;为达到目的的
- stringentadj. 严格的;严厉的;精确的;严密的
- incumbentadj. 职责所在的;义不容辞的;在职的;在任的;当权的;占市场份额大的
- complacentadj. 自满的;沾沾自喜的;满足的
- detergentn. 洗涤剂;清洁剂;去垢剂;清洁添加剂
- negligentadj. 疏忽的;玩忽的;忽略的
- credentialn. 凭据;资质;证件;国书
- rodentn. 啮齿目动物
- opponentn. 对手;敌手;反对者
- differentadj. 不同的;相异的;独特的;单独的;不同寻常的;新奇的
- conscientiousadj. 凭良心办事的;认真的;勤勤恳恳的;负责的;尽责的;认真负责的;凭良心的;与良心有关的
- dependentadj. 由…决定的;依赖的;依赖…的;从属的
- residentn. 常住居民;定居者;住院医师;留鸟;无迁徙习性的蝴蝶;住客;寄宿制学校学生;特派代表;驻外特工
- ambivalentadj. 心态矛盾的
- imminentadj. 即将发生的;迫近的;悬垂的
- orientn. 东方国家;光泽;有光泽的珍珠;优质珍珠
- excellentadj. 极好的;优秀的;卓越的;杰出的
- competentadj. 胜任的;称职的;合格的;足够的;有能力的;能干的;可接受的;差强人意的;有法定资格的;活性的
- fluentadj. 表达流利的;外语说写流利的;口头流利表达的;优美自如的;畅流的;能流动的
- ancientadj. 古代的;古老的;老掉牙的
- eminentadj. 卓越的;出众的;显赫的;著名的;有声望的;突出的;明显的
- apparentadj. 清晰可见的;清晰明了的;明显的;表面上的;貌似真实的;从地球上看到的
- munificentadj. 极丰厚的;过于丰厚的;慷慨的
- convenientadj. 方便的;合适的;省事的;近便的;合宜的;易于到达的;适时的
- consistentlyadv. 一致地;一贯地;总;坚持地
- solventadj. 有偿付能力的;有溶解力的
- presentadj. 在场的;出席的;在座的;现在的;目前的;正在考虑的;正在讨论的;存在的;现在时(态)的
- continentn. 洲;大陆;欧洲大陆
- prominentadj. 重要的;卓越的;著名的;突起的;凸出的;突出的;显著的;显眼的
- affluentadj. 有钱的;富裕的;畅流;滔滔流动
- influentialadj. 有影响的;有势力的
- studentn. 学生;学者;研究者;学员
- scientistn. 科学家;科研人员
- sequentialadj. 连续的;有序的;顺序的
- confidentadj. 自信的;有信心的;确信的;有把握的
- scientificadj. 科学的;有关科学的;用于科学的;系统的;有条理的
- frequentadj. 频繁的;时常发生的;惯常的;经常做某事的;间隔很近的;快的;急的
- magnificentadj. 壮丽的;华丽的;豪华的;宏伟的;极好的;卓越的
- abhorrentadj. 令人厌恶;可恶的
- transparentadj. 透明的;受公众监督的;易察觉的;易看出的;易被人所知的;可穿透的;可通过的
- accidentn. 意外事故;不测事件;意外的事;偶然的事;非本质属性;交通事故;车祸;运气;机遇;大便(或小便)失禁
- eloquentadj. 雄辩的;口才流利的;有说服力的;清楚地表明的;明白显示出的
- indulgentadj. 纵容的;娇惯的;溺爱的;放纵自己的
- currentadj. 当前的;现时的;流行的;通用的;通行的
- indolentadj. 不积极的;懒惰的;懒散的;不痛的;微痛的;发展缓慢的;愈合慢的;顽固的
- salientadj. 值得注意的;重要的;后腿站立前爪举起的;突出的;显著的;显眼的;凸出的;凸起的
- patientadj. 有耐心的;忍耐的;容忍的
- subsequentadj. 随后的;紧接的;后成的
- ferventadj. 热情的;热诚的;热烈的;强烈的;火热的;炽热的
- diffidentadj. 谦卑的;害羞的;缺乏自信的
- dissidentn. 持不同政见者
- decadentadj. 颓废的;堕落的;放纵的
- adjacentadj. 邻近的;毗连的;隔壁的;相邻的
- portentn. 迹象;征兆;奇才;奇事;奇观;未来意义
- intelligentadj. 有智力的;有才智的;智能的
- precedentn. 先例;前例;判例
- permanentadj. 永久的;永恒的;持久的;持续的;长期不变的
- evidentadj. 明显的;显而易见的
- prescientadj. 预知的;有预知能力的;有先见之明的
- consequentadj. 作为结果的;由…而起的;随之发生的;顺向的;逻辑上一致的;合乎逻辑的
- correspondentn. 通信者;通讯员;记者
- providentadj. 顾及将来的;未雨绸缪的
- prevalentadj. 流行的;盛行的;普遍的;有权势的;有权力的
- incidentn. 事件;事情;附属特权;附属负担;附属权利;危险事件;暴力事件;冲突;发生;令人激动的事情
- tendentiousadj. 有偏见的;倾向性的;表达有争议观点的
- essentialadj. 必不可少的;绝对必要的;非常重要的;自发的;原发的;特发的;基本的;本质的;精华的;精髓的
- presidentn. 共和国总统;国家主席;圣餐主持教士;主席;会长;院长;大学校长;公司总裁