In a desperate attempt to raise money, Fai forgoes even his own morality, selling parts of his employer's car and replacing them with cheaper ones.
This article forgoes an in-depth definition of cloud architecture and its benefits, and instead refers to worthwhile reading in the Resources section.
Streaming and downloading it dwarf all other online activity, especially if, like Babbage and Mrs Babbage, a household forgoes cable or satellite television.
Thus, if a firm diverts capacity from Product a to Product b, it forgoes the option to produce a immediately, but it acquires an option to replace the diverted capacity.
The script from Bruce Joel Rubin ("Ghost") forgoes any effort to analyze Henry's condition, save for a ridiculous discussion of Henry's condition as "Chrono-Displacement Disorder."
Google's approach, called statistical machine translation, differs from past efforts in that it forgoes language experts who program grammatical rules and dictionaries into computers.
There are echoes of Bourne in Hirst's quest for his own truth, but, in his fourth book, Mr Wignall forgoes the Ludlumesque technology and fancy fireworks in favour of richer characterisation.