I was like the Jewish Beatle.
China never got Beatle Mania.
Easy Ways to Get Rich: Divorce a Beatle
She said the moment "felt Beatle-esque."
Let's talk about manias. Let's start with Beatle mania.
Yes It was like being in the Beetles. I was like the Jewish Beatle.
Legendary Beatle George Harrison died after a long battle with lung cancer.
I was reading your letter and wondering what middle aged cranky beatle fan it was who wrote it.
There are a couple of guys there who play Beatle "s songs and they" ve done that for a couple of years.
Where May goes, her camera follows. Here she is at the family home of original Beatle Stuart Sutcliffe.
POB remains likely the most personal album from any former Beatle, and it's also arguably the best of the bunch.
The guitar used by the former Beatle was bought by Craig Jackson at an auction at the Abbey Road Studios late Friday.
A peculiar irony of Lennon's story is the way we tend to worship the Man and the Beatle at the expense of the solo artist.
The ill-fated marriage of former Beatle Paul McCartney and his estranged wife Heather Mills came to a formal end last year.
This, of course, was not Beatle John Lennon but his namesake paternal grandfather, more commonly known as Jack, born in 1855.
George, 24, the newest Beatle husband (he married London Model Patti Boyd early last year), lives near by in a big white bungalow.
24岁的George新近才结婚(他在去年初娶了伦敦模特Patti Boyd),住在附近的一套大平房内。
John Lennon's remark that "we're more popular than Jesus, " which set off an anti-Beatle furor last year, was not a boast but an expression of disgust.
John Lennon的“我们比耶酥更受欢迎”去年曾激起很大的反披头士热潮,这并非自吹自擂,而是一种令人反感的表达。
Among the letters that Yoko Ono alleged Seaman had stolen, some highlighted the furious disagreements between lennon and another member of Beatle, Paul McCartney.
Thirty years ago today, former Beatle John Lennon was shot to death outside of his home on the Upper West Side of New York City, the news of which shocked fans and non-fans alike around the globe.
三十年前的今天,前披头士乐队成员约翰·列侬在纽约市西北边的家门口遇刺身亡。 这一新闻曾经震惊了全世界的人,不管是不是他的粉丝。