The impression of the soft slow chant of Krittivasa's[7] fourteen-syllabled measure was swept clean away and we were left overwhelmed by a flood of rhymes and alliterations.
自此,对于克里狄瓦斯的十四音节柔和缓慢的歌调的印象,一扫而空。 我们都被这韵律和头韵的滚滚洪流冲走了。
pl-n. 头韵;(alliteration的复数)
The impression of the soft slow chant of Krittivasa's[7] fourteen-syllabled measure was swept clean away and we were left overwhelmed by a flood of rhymes and alliterations.
自此,对于克里狄瓦斯的十四音节柔和缓慢的歌调的印象,一扫而空。 我们都被这韵律和头韵的滚滚洪流冲走了。