They can also do it more fairly.
But perhaps if the upside were better understood, the benefits might be more fairly Shared.
But given a 5 per cent or so appreciation each year, the renminbi will soon become more fairly valued.
Yes, we have to make sure that the economic pie is sliced more fairly, but we also have to make sure that the economic pie is growing.
Money worries occupy many people, but even these will disappear in time as debts are forgiven, and wealth is distributed more fairly.
Had the news about the torture come out while Moore was making his film, there would have been some more fairly devastating material.
Do not worry about personal fortunes as after the changes have taken place, everyone will be cared for and wealth will have been spread more fairly.
Theoretically, if one business tries to take unfair advantage of its customers, it will lose to competing business which treats its customers more fairly.
This is a core purpose of the report: to help countries get the policies right, whether to collect more resources for health or distribute these resources more fairly.
One of these was how we can help countries manage and transform their natural resource wealth into long-term economic growth that spreads the benefits more fairly among their people.
Let's be clear: Regulating the market in this area does not mean fighting the market. Regulating the market means improving the way it operates so that wealth is more fairly Shared.
For example, one well-known study showed that musicians auditioning for an orchestra were evaluated more fairly when they performed behind a curtain and judges didn't know their gender.
In an online trust game where players could lower their chances of winning by warning others about cheaters, the threat of being the subject of bad gossip encouraged people to play more fairly.
You can talk fairly rapidly for information that may be familiar, but then slow down for more unfamiliar sections.
There are many varieties and grades of paper materials, and whilst it is fairly easy to spot the varieties, it is far more difficult to spot the grades.
As an example of a fairly complex analysis approach, consider what happens when more general processing exceptions occur.
But even fairly fit older people need more health care than younger ones, not least because they often suffer from chronic diseases that are expensive to treat.
Although many sources of gas are already bound up in long-term contracts, optimists think Britain might be able to get more of it fairly easily.
Full disclosure, my grandfather was a Norwegian and I was fairly predisposed to overlook some of Egil's more pathological mental states.
The Hazaras, it seems fairly clear, have more claim to sympathy.
It's also fairly easy to fabricate, making it far more commercially viable than other methods of downsizing battery technology.
Such low bond yields do give the equity bulls one more (fairly powerful) argument-that dividend yields look good by comparison.
This installation is much more stripped down than, say, the fairly elaborate setup of the TiVo.
But if what Matthew is going through is fairly common, then I'm sure more than a few men have thought it.
If you install more memory, you can use it fairly well.
Humans and chimpanzees share more than 97% of DNA, but there are some fairly obvious differences in appearance, behavior and intellect.