1 词典释义:
时间: 2025-03-07 02:29:13
英 [sɪnθ]


  • Synth only lets you change its look.


  • Does loading so many images make Synth slower?


  • Examining Synth performance, reliability, and efficiency.


  • This is the basic description of how most synth VCOs work.


  • Is Synth as buggy as Swing was when it was first released?

    Synth是不是像Swing一样,在第一次发布时满是bug ?

  • You might find them useful in creating your own Synth looks.


  • Synth VCOs aren't designed using naturally resonant circuits.


  • Synth should really be called a new Swing look, not a look and feel.


  • Can a complete professional look and feel be created from Synth?


  • So, the Synth XML file lets you set component-specific properties.

    因此,Synth XML 文件允许设置特定于组件的属性。

  • The login screen in the Synth look and feel is completely different.


  • I've got a DX-11 which is an FM synth, which has defined my sound up to now.

    我有一架DX - 11软音源调频合成器至今为止我的声音都是由它调和的。

  • Synth enables huge time savings by translating the graphical work to an XML file.

    通过将图形界面转换成一个 XML 文件,Synth 可以节省大量的时间。

  • Note that Synth uses the attribute that was defined last to render the component.

    注意,Synth 使用最后定义的属性来显示组件。

  • I've devised some performance tests that show that Synth won't slow your UI to a crawl.


  • Finally, I'll answer your most important question — will Synth really save you time?


  • Enter Synth, which Sun hopes will ease the process of personalizing an application's look.

    进入Synth, Sun希望它能使应用程序外观的个性化过程变得容易。

  • The Synth engine uses these constants to link the style with an actual Swing component.

    Synth 引擎使用这些常量将式样与一个实际的 Swing 组件链接。

  • The tag tells the Synth engine to link a defined style to a component, as in Listing 2.


  • Synth is new and provides for the description of the look and feel through an external XML file.

    Synth 是新东西,它通过外部 XML 文件提供外观的说明。

  • Then I'll break the skin down step-by-step to teach you Synth concepts as you build the XML file.

    然后,我会逐步剖析这个皮肤,在构建 XML 文件的过程中,一一教会您 Synth 的各个概念。

  • You can change a UI's look quickly with Synth, but the feel will always be the default Swing feel.


  • And Sun has already shown that a complete look can be created with Synth by releasing the GTK + look.

    Sun已经表示,通过发布gtk +外观,用Synth可以创建完整的外观。

  • This leads to the conclusion that every additional image used in the Synth look adds to load up time.

    据此可以下结论,在 Synth 外观中使用的每个附加图像增加了装载时间。

  • Ideally, as Synth knowledge grows, the Swing UI community will begin to see an explosion in the number of skins.

    随着对Synth认识的加深,Swing UI社区将出现皮肤数量的大爆炸。

  • But it gives me a chance to show that Synth doesn't limit you to using only images and simple colors in UI designs.


  • Still, many fans will likely be anxious to hear those classic sheets of synth and 80s production on the original demo.


  • I'll walk you through building a simple login screen as an example application to show you how a Synth XML file works.

    我将带您构建一个简单的登录屏幕,用它作为例子应用程序,向您展示Synth XML文件的工作原理。

  • With a team of two graphical designers and two programmers, a complete Synth look could be produced in just three weeks.


  • Despite the relatively clean image that the bug database gives Synth, I had some other issues when working with the login screen.


n. 合成器;综合者
adj. 合成的;人造的