Give Your Pet a Mother's Day Gift: Spay her!
Neuter or spay your dog. These dogs are less likely to bite.
Foliar spay in the asparagus, the yield could be increased by 16.6%.
Replaced the AC filter, applied pest control spay, replaced fire alarm batteries, etc.
There is a simple solution to reduce the needless killing of animals - Spay and Neuter your pet.
一个很简单的方法来减少不须要的杀害动物- 结扎你的动物。
Students spay their tuition fees and living costs from income earned through the work-study program.
Finally the shape of spay was difference because of the flow conditions at the nozzle exit is not same.
The first and most effective way to combat over population in large cities is spay and neutering programs.
The treatment for egg-binding is to spay the female, which involves the removal of both the ovaries and any eggs present.
Objective: Test the stability of Amoxicillin sodium manufactured with spay-drying process and solvent-crystalline process.
Handled basic household maintenance. - replaced the ac filter, applied pest control spay, replaced fire alarm batteries, etc.
The sealing materials and sealing efficiency was studied by means of SEM. electrochemical salt spay test and hot-humid test.
Thai court has sentenced a Swiss man to 10 years in prison for spay-painting graffiti over images of Thailand's revered king.
Spay and Neuter: Rabbits will live healthier and longer lives when altered and won't contribute to the overpopulation problem.
This article discusses the effect of spray granulate on properties of powders and coatings, and applications of spay granulate on thermal spraying are reviewed.
Thirdly, a automatic identification system of weed wae built based on former two steps, which might identify weeds in image and carries out simulative spay to site-specific weed locations.