The idea of irreversibility in evolution stuck and came to be known as "Dollo's law".
Irreversibility in the model.
The conclusion is fatalism, that's to say irreversibility.
These include dynamically induced irreversibility and the strong-field index enhancement.
Combustion reactions in a gas turbine are processes of high irreversibility, and therefore of lowe exergy efficiency.
It can be observed that the total system irreversibility increases with increasing turbine inlet pressures for both configurations.
The exergy loss number is used in this paper as the objective function to indicate the irreversibility of the thermodynamic process.
Further, the exergy analysis reveals that the irreversibility of heat transfer (40 percent) is the major source of exergy destruction.
Irreversibility affects both architecture and design, although its effects are both more common and more damaging at the architectural level.
China's national reunification process with a long, arduous, and the irreversibility of the general trend of development and a long way to go.
To guarantee success and irreversibility of privatization, Latin America chooses the extremely radical, and thoroughgoing privatization model.
Due to the irreversibility of random hash mapping, current sketch data structures have to traverse the key address space to find frequent items.
On the basis of the finite time thermodynamics, the change of entropy due to the external irreversibility in engine heat cycle process was discussed.
In 1979-1992, the consumption behaviors of both urban residents and rural residents are of the character of irreversibility and spanning current period.
The influences of the internal irreversibility and the high-low temperature ratio in isobaric process on the optimal performance of the system are revealed.
The irreversibility of heat transfer and fluid flow in regenerative he at exchanger was analyzed, and the number of entropy generation units was introduced.
Two internal irreversibility parameters, the heat engine cycle and the refrigerator cycle were introduced to characterize the irreversibility inside the cycle.
According to the irreversibility of biotin labeling, a quick method was designed for the purification of biotin labeling small molecule by magnetic separation.
The result shows that the irreversibility is not equal to the lost available energy, in some case, the lost available energy is small when the irreversibility is large.
In this paper, the effect of the irreversibility of heat conduction and finite rate processes on the optimal performance of a magnetic Stirling refrigerator is researched.
In the various elements of process stability, the inextricably elements related with loss of rights system are ordering, irreversibility, time-bound and finality of procedure.
A general cycle model of a solar engine is set up. The influence of finite-rate heat transfer and internal irreversibility on the cyclic performance of the system is searched.
Our model considers heat leak between cylinder wall and environment in combustion process, internal irreversibility of cyclic working fluid in adiabatic processes, and cycle time.
Fig. 5 shows the variation of the system specific irreversibility using R113 with the turbine inlet pressure under the same conditions used to generate the results shown in Fig. 3.
Fourth, the analysis of development trend towards farmers' concurrent business shows that the tendency towards farmers' concurrent business goes deeper and expresses irreversibility.
The tables and chairs, first conceived at Tito's tea house to "represent the irreversibility of time," sport huge pink roses symbolic of the porcelain patterns beloved by the designer.
Using the exergy based on the second law of thermodynamics, the irreversibility during the important heat transfer as well as input and output power processes inside a NPP are analysed.
A comparison between the two configurations shows that regenerative ORC has approximately 42% less specific irreversibility than basic ORC for the pressure range evaluated in this paper.
The optimal performance of a real plant is obtained in terms of the internal efficiency of the compressor and that of the turbine. which represent the internal irreversibility of the plant.